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Scam artists

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Who else thinks these guys are scamming us?? My $8 plan is all of a sudden is $16??? Bunch of SELLOUTS


@Chalupa_Batman I don't know what's going on with the Telus deal, however I will note that it's a temporary promo that will expire. Also they're getting the revenue for a full year up front.

As for Public Mobile, $8 won't even buy you a McDonald's meal anymore, so it's not surprising that a Telco [with high infrastructure costs] doesn't want to provide their service for a measly $8. In the context of $15 plan holders with 50% discounts, there was very little risk to Public Mobile cancelling the old rewards program; if customers choose to stay, they've doubled their revenue. If customers choose to leave, big deal, it's $8. Not a big loss.

It will cost Public Mobile if they lose a bunch of higher ARPU clients in the process, but they've done a pretty good job of bringing down the price of the higher value plans in the past year. In my situation I went from paying $50/month base minus $6 in discounts ($44 net), to now paying $34 base minus $3.53 in points ($30.47 net). So although I lose a few bucks in points, my net spend dropped $13.53 and I get more data. Every situation is different, but even at the $25 level they have the $19 plan now.

This impacts those on the $13/$15 plans the most, which Public Mobile seems to be okay with taking the risk of losing them. And I don't blame them. And for the record I have a few family members in that situation. It's unfortunate, but they get it.

@DennyCrane wrote:

They finally came to their senses and realized some of us were costing them money every month. $8 in monthly revenue is very little incentive for a business to want to retain you as a client. If you think you can do better elsewhere, by all means you should call their bluff.

But then when you look at @Rastin comment about Telus and the $100 plan which is $8.34 a month, that logic makes no sense. There has to be another reason. Just wish we all knew why Public Mobile did what the did to their loyal customers. It's a head scratcher. 

Mayor / Maire

They finally came to their senses and realized some of us were costing them money every month. $8 in monthly revenue is very little incentive for a business to want to retain you as a client. If you think you can do better elsewhere, by all means you should call their bluff.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

If you need an $8 plan tellus has a prepaid $100 a year plan works out to about 8.30 a month


@Eggman , there's no scamming if you can get your $16 plan for $8 elsewhere.  Vote with your wallet. 

Mayor / Maire

Howdy @Eggman

Sadly Public Mobile chose to terminate the legacy rewards program and migrate everyone to the new points system. Granted the ethical thing to do would have been to just swap point systems and let everyone keep the points they earned but.... nope. The new point system is peanuts compared to what the other reward system was. Hence the reason why troves of customers have left the Telus umbrella for other service providers. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Eggman, definitely a lot of unhappy customers due to the points system change but there are still ways to get points, 5% back from your bill payment, $10 each year on your anniversary and 1 point for each friend referral. Accumulate 15 points and you can redeem them towards a $15 bill credit 

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