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Sale is On Now 15%OFF on $10 Top Up Voucher for Public Mobile

Mayor / Maire


Gee this is actually directly addressed by the thread started by @RosieR that I just responded to....sometimes you just feel the need to say something.



I've seen plenty of solutions awarded to "wrong" reponses for all sorts of "wrong" reasons. Or simply awarded to the last person who repeated (even quoted!) the already-said-many-times-before correct answer provided by someone else.


But I leave such details for the Oracles to attend, lol. It's part of what they get paid for. I'm just here to party.


I have to say not really a solution worthy thread. Not all threads require a solution that's how they get moved to the lounge.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Thanks for the info.

Mayor / Maire

Looks already SOLD OUT. That was literally less than 20 minutes after I received an email about it. 



Holy Hot Cakes! 

fyi, i did manage to snag a few though. 🙂 

Mayor / Maire

@esjliv Yey, great, thanks for sharing this!

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