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RAF Points

Mayor / Maire

Does anyone know if the new Public points actually restrict the number of RAF points someone can earn?  Was a bit curious after seeing the following "You could earn up to 4 points" when trying to find my loyalty date on the Rewards page. 


Maybe I'm misreading or missing something because I don't think I've heard or read that PM had imposed a limit for earning RAF points as that would not make any business sense, of course.



@hTideGnow    Ahh!  Lol...thank you and mystery solved!! 😁

Actually, the page is very "smart", they calculate the rewards you will get from plan renewal too


HI @dabr 


you scared me!!!!


no, it is not just 4 points.  currently you have 4 friends referrals, so, it said you can earn up to 4


I guess it was very correct.. if any of your friends suspended, then you earn less.. so, it is up to 4.. 


(for me , I have a 5 friends, i see it showing up to 5 points)

@hTideGnow   I'm not in the points system but the only way to see the loyalty date is to go to the Discover Points in the Rewards portal and notice the bit about "up to 4 points" under earning points.

HI @dabr I am in old rewards, I just login My Rewards and don't see what you see


Mayor / Maire

HI @dabr   what?. we are in Points too?


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