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Porting in

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi I port in my rogers number to Public mobile, I already confirmed and answer YES and acknowledged by Roger's but it's been 1 day already and still cannot use my old number. Both old and new sim are inserted in my phone, please advise me what to do. thanks


@thanglengj below link should get you to your inbox where the message should be:

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Can you please send the number again. I did  not received it. Thanks

@thanglengj Maybe you should call the port help line. Sounds like something went wrong with the port. I'll send you the number, check your messages inbox.

Mayor / Maire

@thanglengj since porting out your Rogers number to Public Mobile will trigger your Rogers account to be closed you should remove the old Rogers SIM card and only keep the PM SIM card installed. A phone reboot should hopefully be all that's needed to get your phone working properly now since the porting process usually only takes 1 to 2 hours, should never take more than 24hours unless an issue was encountered. If after taking out the Rogers SIM and rebooting your phone still does not help, please let us know. You could also create a ticket by clicking on the link that was already shared.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I did it already but the number is not my old number. It seems that the porting is unsuccessful.

Mayor / Maire


If you replied with YES then the old Rogers SIM will continue to work for about 2 hours as your primary SIM. Once it stops working then power off your phone and remove the Rogers SIM and place the PM SIM as the primary SIM and power on your phone.

If this didn’t work then contact a CS_Agent by pm them directly. 

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