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Portin number to Fido

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hey Guys, 


I need your help. Unfortunately, my account has been in active and I wish to transfer (portin) the same number to Fido. Fido Says they have sent a request and asked me to wait for an SMS. I have not received an SMS from PM.


Please help me out. 


HI @obaidomer   this is normal.  It is a CRTC requirement to have text authorization to avoid SIM fraud


other provider can re-activate one day for the porting because they are postpaid and can charge by that one day (again, they charge you that.. not free)


PM, like other prepaid , they don't charge by day, either charge the whole cycle or not.  So, you have to pay the full 30 days.  I think Lucky and Chatr are the same.  it's a disadvantage for prepaid 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

PM has been very good no issues with that. it's just that I had this number for a long time. But due to some changes, i have to move out of PM. prepaid for now. By all means, if I do not like Fido i will switch back. As of now, i am hoping to retain the same number without additional cost. PS : this issue also goes down as an experience with PM.

Mayor / Maire

@obaidomer , out of curiosity are you with Fido Post Paid or Prepaid now? I tried Postpaid temporarily & saw that you have to pay extra for call forwarding/conditional call forwarding & several other perks. It does have VoLTE, Wi-Fi Calling & can activate on a free e-SIM or free regular SIM! Prepaid doesn’t offer roaming in US, VoLTE or Wi-Fi Calling.


Anyway, that’s for a whole other post! I was just curious. Have you tried Fido long enough to know you want to stay there? You can always leave your Public Mobile account suspended close until 90 days before you lose the phone number with them in case you decide you are not happy with Fido unless you already love it there. 🙂

@softech wrote:

@LitlLdy   that post you referred is about porting to Koodo


in fact, if you port to Koodo (or Telus), because they are Telus family, they can simply move the number over without even going via the text


There is no such workaround for porting into other providers


@softech , correct, thats what I said except my wording was “That was porting within Telus owned companies though”. Except the CSA temporarily activated the account to make it happen that time.

@LitlLdy   that post you referred is about porting to Koodo


in fact, if you port to Koodo (or Telus), because they are Telus family, they can simply move the number over without even going via the text


There is no such workaround for porting into other providers


@obaidomer wrote:

interesting - please have a look at this.

@obaidomer , I saw that. Porting #s has been authorized numerous times between Telus owned companies “Telus, Koodo, Public Mobile” with inactive accounts. They still get their money either way. A lot of conflicting information given though even then. 

Are you referring to the message on that post where CSA temporarily activated account to port the Customers #? That was porting within Telus owned companies though but yes they can obviously choose to temporarily reactivate one’s account for free. They still get their money due to it’s being ported to a company Telus owns!



” @simple wrote:


Thank you all who contributed to this thread.

I was able to successfully port my number to Koodo this morning. 


I did have to reach out to the mod team, create a ticket, and got immediate assistance, which was fantastic.


Unfortunately the question of porting a suspended account remains un-answered. As a precaution to avoid any hiccups, the support team temporarily set my account to active to ensure a seamless port. But that is all I needed so am happy with the outcome. 


Thanks again. “

Mayor / Maire

Of course this is all technically possible. It's technically possible to re-use a dead sim too. They just don't.

Here's a bit from the Fido site about transferring.

Important! Don’t cancel your current service or remove your SIM Card. The phone number you’re transferring to Fido must be active to complete the transfer. Your existing service gets cancelled automatically when the transfer is finished. Only active mobile, landline or fax numbers are transferable.

@obaidomer wrote:

interesting - please have a look at this.

@obaidomer - Telus owns Koodo and Public Mobile. This link you provided is a customer porting over to Koodo; these are some of the exceptions when accounts in suspended status.

@obaidomer wrote:

Yes , the answer did not change. 

@obaidomer , I know they have authorized the porting of #s while accounts have not been active when porting between companies that Telus owns “Telus, Koodo & Public Mobile “ but not to other companies. Sorry 😕

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Had this number for over a year. Now the thing is I used to work in technical support and have done port-in and out, But a few years back it was all on the application which makes the changes on server. Right now that feature is passed on to the customer ( more like a 2 way authentication). Which makes the customer in full control. My only concern was in certain scenarios such as this why not the technical support do the needful. 
When a customer is leaving and the account is suspended does it really matter postpaid vs prepaid - it's just an account at the end of the day. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok Thank you. 

Mayor / Maire

@obaidomer - not sure how long your Public account has been inactive for. But note, once over 90 days you loss the phone number and account with Public Mobile.


I understand not wanting to pay for another cycle when you want to go to another provider, but that is quite a common policy between different providers. 


If you don't want to change to the $15 plan than port out...Why not reactivate with Public for one more cycle, then 3-4 days before renewal (make sure it is not too close to renewal time, or the renewal will still take place), then perform the port to Fido.

@obaidomer   sorry about that, as explained, the temporary resume for one day is only for Postpaid provider.  With Prepaid, you really have to activate it back with a plan to receive the text


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes , the answer did not change. 

@obaidomer wrote:

Thanks Bud. I would like to try the latter option of using the link and checking with support again. I understand $15 plan Is the lowest it can get but still, it would be like spending money for just a number port in while this can be done the PM-CS . 

@obaidomer , did you get a response back yet from contacting CSA again about porting your phone # without paying to reactivate your plan?



Unfortunately, if you wish to port to Fido, you will meed to have an active plan at Public Mobile. The Public Mobile plan will need to be paid for.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am certain technically it’s possible without an active account. Why to waste even $15.


it’s more of a bad system design. 

Mayor / Maire

$15 seems like a pretty cheap way to keep your number. If it's important to you or course. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok , Thanks. 

@obaidomer let us know what support offers.  But if you need to reactivate to port, remember to change plan to $15 first to lower the cost

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

technical support would know more .... this happens without renewing the old account. If that's a business model there is room for correction. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks Bud. I would like to try the latter option of using the link and checking with support again. I understand $15 plan Is the lowest it can get but still, it would be like spending money for just a number port in while this can be done the PM-CS . 

@obaidomer the temperory resume account for port out is only for postpaid provider,  this is not an option for prepaid provider like PM.


 You can cut down the cost by changing the plan to $15 and resume the service that way


if you want to try, you can of course use the link i provided on my first reply and check with support again, but I am afraid they will tell you the same


You account MUST be active so the text can be sent to you with the PM SIM in your phone.

If you don’t want to renew your account, only option is to pick a new number with Fido.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i have read - there is an option with CS to temporarily activate the account for this process to take place. i do not intend to use PM anymore - There must be a way to do this without making payment. 

@obaidomer Sorry, only Active account can be ported out the network. 


Please login My Account and make a manual payment to resume the service so you can start receiving text


Once the account is active, call Fido back to retrigger the porting process 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Unfortunately my account is inactive and I was looking for assistance with portin SMS. would you please help me with that. 




make sure your PM account is active and you can still receive incoming calls and text


Then call Fido and ask them to re-trigger the porting request.


Wait another hour or two and you should receive that


If still not receive the text from PM asking you to approve the porting,  please open ticket with PM support using this direct link


If you have made a request to port your number to another carrier and have not received an SMS from Public Mobile to confirm your request, please open our chatbot via this link ( . This will put you in touch with our Customer Support Agents who will be able to assist you.



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