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Port partially complete and I'm in limbo

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I entered my eIMEI instead of my IMEI during the port process. I did this because I believe I had to because I used the eSIM option. 

I got a text from Public saying that they needed to contact me to complete the port because I gave them incorrect info but I've heard from no one so far. In the meantime, I'm unable to receive texts or phone calls. I tried to submit a ticket but continously get error 404. 

I need this fixed but they have no customer service that I can find. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

hi there I also have a similar issue, can you please send me the porting team number

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is resolved. Thank you for all of the help you guys. 

hi @Dogniuniu 

sent. Please check Community inbox 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the same issue porting in from eSIM to new eSIM. I cannot receive Mfa to confirm port in. May I get the port in support team number please? Thanks!

Then put back your old sim and wait for the text from them to confirm the transfer.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes I stuck my sim back until this morning and have been using it like that for now. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I got it and I called them. I'm hoping that it'll be completed in the next few hours. I really appreciate you guys. 

Mayor / Maire


If porting was not completed, your old SIM will continue to work in the meantime…that is as long as you kept up with your monthly payment or not cancel your previous service.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @jkrfirefox 

Please take a look at the top right corner mail box. I will send you the porting team number.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've reached out to them. I hope this helps. Thank you. 

Mayor / Maire

@jkrfirefox   Send customer service a private message using this link and they will sort it out for you 

Their reply will come to your community inbox, envelope icon top right, or by clicking your avatar and selecting Messages.   

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