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Points not on account

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've been with public mobile for around 3 years I believe and just opted for the points reward system because it looked like the best program for me. I checked my account and there is nothing there. Does it take some time for all my back pay points to show up, did I not read all the information properly or am I just getting boned? I've never had an issue before so it's a little strange now. Thanks 🙂


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's exactly why I switched haha. Guess we'll see....

Stick to your guns if they give you any guff. You're entitled to the points. It was designed to be an enticement to switch.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yup already did that a few gours ago. I'll just sleep on it and see what happens. I'll let you know if it's good or bad news haha. Thanks for all the great info!

The ticket system is broken. You need to use the private messaging system instead. Support can be reached here

It says immediate but give it the night. Then contact them in the morning.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah that's what I was translating it to and the reason I switched. Still empty and not sure what's going on since it's so vague imo. I just switched today and thought maybe it'll show up in a couple days. Whenever I tried using the idiot robot to write a ticket I would be sent to a page that didn't work. I sent a message to C_help or something like that with no response. Pretty much where I started lol. Any advice and I  would be extremely grateful!

When you switch over to the points system from the rewards system you are supposed to get 5 points and then 1 point for every month you've been here. So in your case something around 41 points should be in your points balance.
How long ago did you switch over?
If you're not seeing any initial points anywhere then I would contact support and ask for the points you're entitled to.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well **bleep**... that's a little disappointing, I wish I had known that or at least in lamens terms and wording. Guess I'll do my due diligence next time. Thought I had the cat in the bag. Thank you for the information.


Those financial rewards will be converted to points on renewal.

The only difference is your $2 auto pay is replaced with 5% of your plan value to points. 

Add loyalty points are nowhere near as beneficial as the old reward program.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Okay well it's still a little confusing to me but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually. I do appreciate the feedback and see if it is worth it or not. I was getting like $9 off before I think... @Handy1 I don't have any points on it at all right now.


If I were to hazard a guess, you perhaps may have believed you are going to receive points for prior services paid for.

Points only start accumulating from the date you switched to public points and are not retroactively applied. 

(ADDING)@Camshaft1  You will still receive a point for every referral and loyalty points on your anniversary date

You just won't get nearly the Loyalty value on the public points as you were getting on the Legacy reward program.

To put it into perspective, after 3 years on the old rewards you would have received $36 a year. On the public points program you receive $10 a year.

Mayor / Maire

@Camshaft1 Check your rewards portal for how many points you have . In the reward’s catalog once you have 15 points you can redeem it for $15 off your bill .

Points rewards portal view catalog





The points do not get applied until you have reached renewal or the anniversary of your service start date.

If you happened to do a recent plan change on an immediate basis as opposed to the next regular renewal, the points will also not apply in that instance.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well that doesn't make sense. My attachment even says that. Am I reading it wrong? And can't get ahold of customer service online of course.

Screenshot_20230725-184850_Public Mobile.jpg


Nope. You earned dollar rewards which were used to reduce your cycle renewals.

But now that you switched to public points, you will earn points which can be redeemed toward money on your account.  You must earn 15 points before you can apply $15 to your available balance.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Wasn't sure what to call it, but since I've been with public for about 3 years I should have points accumulated no?


I see.

Define "back pay points"?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I appreciate how quick you were but that was not at all helpful. If you have anything to say about this subject I'm all ears, otherwise go somewhere else. Cheers

Mayor / Maire


I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

Both now and on a go forward.

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