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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I had a subscription that I really liked wasn’t to expensive but then I saw another one that was a little bit more in the price  but more data I just realized that it was a waste because I don’t even use enough data to need that much is there a way to go back to my old subscription? 


I guess I could add the obvious that you can change to any available plan. You just can't go back to a plan that is no longer available.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Oh darnet haha every other plan they have is for the same amount of date I have now but for double the price. Guess I’m gonna need to start using my data. That’s for the help tho💜

Mayor / Maire

If the old plan is still available then just set it up to change at your next renewal. If the old plan is gone then no you can't.
It's a funny thing isn't it. Sure yeah all that data is a good deal but do you really actually need it. Why pay for something you're not going to use?

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