03:48 PM
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12:31 AM
So pm has something going with credit card company neo advertising up to $100 Credit. Ive spent way too much time hunting for their terms. I even signed up for the card. It appears l am too ignorant to locate any info backing their claim.
l would appreciate if someone would tell me where to go. Thank you in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-28-2024 11:22 PM - edited 05-28-2024 11:23 PM
@hTideGnow @Joe_G I have another update. Recall that there are 2 PM accounts that bill to my Neo CC (let's call them P1 and P2, each on a $34 plan and with the new Points system I guess everything goes to Points rather than reducing the monthly bill as before [plus >10y loyalty is now worth 83c/mo instead of $5/mo]). My Neo statement was just issued, and the autobill dates are Jun 10 and Jun 11. I couldn't wait, so earlier today I went ahead and told PM to charge this month's P1 now. Neo immediately sent an email saying there's only $8.91 left to the $330 target to get 5% back. Then tonight I charged $10.xx on P2's account, and Neo just as quickly changed the cashback to $16.50 (5% of $330). The overpayment is sitting as $1.74 toward the next $330/6mo.
I'm thinking of getting P2 to apply for the card, if they can get it approved and connected by Jun 10. Then they can pay $100 on one account (to get $100 CB) and start toward $330/6mo. I can live with losing the extra 4.5% on my $1.74 but it will be harder if P2's Jun charge goes on my card and then doesn't get the bonus.
Here's a screen capture (I assume the "$0.65 available" is because I don't actually get the $16.50 until the statement is paid for):
05-19-2024 12:43 AM
Tied yes. I figure I'm with PM indefinitely as I still think in terms of never leaving -- I haven't yet got my mind wrapped around the new Points system (my loyalty of >10 years is now apparently worth 83c/mo instead of $5/mo, so maybe I'll jump next time Freedom gets more aggressive).
No I wouldn't drop $330 as that's almost 10 months before I could pay it off. But maybe if I've spent 5*$34 I might invest $163 to trigger the 5%. Or maybe not.
05-18-2024 11:35 AM
HI @ottawa interesting. Thanks for sharing
But PM does not have too many "product" , it will be harder to save with it. Also, if you load too much money, you are pretty much tied with PM for the next couple months
05-17-2024 06:07 PM - edited 05-18-2024 01:49 AM
BTW our next billing dates are Jun 10 and Jun 11, and should be for more than $47.03 combined (both accounts are on $34 plan). So I should just hit $330 spent before the Jul expiry (the 2 August 31 credits are for converting 2 friends to PM on $34 plan, I couldn't usually count on that but I also was paying less before). I truly don't see any way 1 person could average $55/30d even with the new Points plan. But if you can afford to bank it, it might be worth that one large payment.
OTOH considering my best alternative is 1.5% on Rogers MC, there's not a lot to lose if I only get 0.5%. But Neo rewards is way too complicated for me, for anything beyond making sure I hit $330 and then draining my PM credit and Points.
Here's how you track it:
05-17-2024 05:57 PM
@Joe_G @hTideGnow Sorry for the slow response. I notice the $100 CB offer is in my Rewards, so maybe everyone gets that again.
Yes, I still use it for PM (and nothing else). @computergeek541 has posted more experience with Neo upthread.
The regular CB is 0.5% (!) but they offer 5% if I spend $330 in 180 days. That's about $55/mo which is tough to do with PM (for example $34/50GB/30d is about as expensive as I could imagine paying for, with the old Rewards program I might never make it) but I pay for 2 accounts so I expect to make it. Hoping it works. If I were going to be a little short I'd make a bigger manual payment on PM to hit the $330 in 180 days, then maybe take a break by paying from that balance, redeeming the new Points, etc.
Here are 2 screenshots showing what they claim:
05-10-2024 12:04 PM
HI @ottawa
did the card say how many % cashback after??
05-10-2024 12:02 PM
@ottawa wrote:I may keep neo as my PM autopay card, I'll think about it.
Are you still using this as your PM auto-pay card and if so what is the cashback for PM payments?
01-12-2024 05:51 PM
Following up on this old thread, I finally got my hands on the physical card and got time to try it. First thing I noticed is the expiration date is different on the physical card than the virtual card from Nov (also the CVC but I'd expect that to be unique per card).
I just went to PM site and paid $113 ($100+$13HST) and it took it the first time! I had thought maybe PM wouldn't take the virtual card, though that would defeat the purpose, so maybe either they gave me the wrong expiry, or I made a mistake. I also immediately got a note from neo that I got $100 cashback. 🙂
I believe they're no longer offering this $100, but if anyone accepted the offer but didn't use it, this was my experience. And FWIW, I don't know whether a topup of $88.50 (=$100.01 w/HST) would also earn $100 cashback or only $88.50, but I didn't want to risk it.
The "up to $100" cashback offer was on first PM purchase, which is why I made it so high. I may keep neo as my PM autopay card, I'll think about it.
Thanks for the earlier feedback and following along.
11-29-2023 04:12 PM
Thanks. Not sure whether I'll get $100 or $60, I may push on to try and get something. Otherwise no great loss (I can take a hit on my credit score for a credit check). But for max $60 welcome bonus, on potentially >6 months prepay on PM (those on $25 plan with Rewards), not worth the effort. Oh well.
11-29-2023 02:02 PM
So NEO offer has changed from $100 max for 100% contribution to upto $80 cash back upto 40% just today.
On the Public mobile site, the maximum that you can contribute is up to $150 so you wont get max $80 from the new promotion..
11-29-2023 01:56 AM - edited 05-17-2024 06:00 PM
@ottawa wrote:Thank you, that's what I was doing (or trying to), I was giving it $88.50 ($100.01 with HST) and getting rejected. I'll wait to see what the CS Agent says (not that I disbelieve you) and maybe I'll see if they can help. Certainly not recommending this card to anyone else (should have listened to you before 🙂 ) until I see it working. Not a threat, but at this rate it's not worth it for $100.
I have used a Neo Financial Mastercard before. It is a working credit card service. However, I cut it up and cancelled it because they kept removing cashing back offers. They happened to remove merchants such as Walmart and Amazon which was the sole reason that I got the card.
11-29-2023 01:41 AM
Thank you, that's what I was doing (or trying to), I was giving it $88.50 ($100.01 with HST) and getting rejected. I'll wait to see what the CS Agent says (not that I disbelieve you) and maybe I'll see if they can help. Certainly not recommending this card to anyone else (should have listened to you before 🙂 ) until I see it working. Not a threat, but at this rate it's not worth it for $100.
11-29-2023 01:23 AM - edited 11-29-2023 01:25 AM
@ottawa wrote:Thank you. I know you expressed dissatisfaction with neo's customer support previously. I have written to PM's CS to ask "can I pay more than I have to, by CC?" (because I've done it by voucher). If they say yes I can, maybe I'll pay (next plan + $1) on my regular PM card and see what happens. If that works I'll know it's specific to neo. Haven't tried the neo card elsewhere, really just wanted the $100 welcome bonus.
There's no requirement to pay the exact amount of the plan. In the payments area of Self Serve, you can use the option for Add Fund with Credit/Debit Card. After choosing that, it allows any amount to be entered that you wish. It does default to the amount due for the plan, but you can manually change it.
11-29-2023 01:18 AM - edited 11-29-2023 01:19 AM
Thank you. I know you expressed dissatisfaction with neo's customer support previously. I have written to PM's CS to ask "can I pay more than I have to, by CC?" (because I've done it by voucher). If they say yes I can, maybe I'll pay (next plan + $1) on my regular PM card and see what happens. If that works I'll know it's specific to neo. Haven't tried the neo card elsewhere, really just wanted the $100 welcome bonus.
11-29-2023 01:07 AM
@ottawa wrote:It's been a few days so I decided to try making my $100 payment to PM. I went with $88.50+$11.51 HST = $100.01
Changed card to my neo Financial MC (it says I can start using before receiving physical card) and it's been declined twice. neo sent an email "Suspicious Transaction Blocked" that says it was "declined at Public Mobile Online" and if it wasn't me, to contact support to freeze card. On the PM site, I went through "Add Funds with Credit/Debit Card" and it said the purchase couldn't be processed (I copied the message but lost it). So I don't know who's rejecting the purchase, neo (because it's new? though $100 is nothing) or PM (because... ?)
Is there a trick to getting this to work? Or (I'm struggling for reasons) does PM only accept one-time payments of the exact amount owed? If that's the case, I won't recommend the card to anyone else, because it's not worth it for a welcome bonus of $34 less Rewards or whatever they're paying.
@computergeek541 you seem like an expert on neo Financial, so sorry but I'm going to tag you. 🙂
I've had issue with banks before such as electronic transfers failing for no reason, accounts getting locked out, or needing a bank's customer service to get back into an account after entering the wrong password. However, things usually get fixed farily easily. With Neo, my experiences with their customer service is that they just won't help with anything. I tried multiple times to get an issue fixed, but not only do they just tell you to wait, they even even refused to cancel I transaction that was requested through their service (even though it had never completed). Let's add that to the fact that Neo Financial constantly changes the cashback offers, and what don't tell you is that you will get absolutely no cashback for many transactions becasue the higher cashback at merchant partners could make it so that it keeps you above the minimum 0.5% overall monthly cashback.
The error message that Public Mobile is showing you about being unable to process the transaction could very well be because Neo is declining the charge. Neo has definitely declining at some ponit based on the e-mail message that Neo sent you. Please note that it's also psosbile that Public Mobile has also blocked the card, but Neo wouldn't know anything about that.
11-28-2023 11:57 PM - edited 11-28-2023 11:58 PM
It's been a few days so I decided to try making my $100 payment to PM. I went with $88.50+$11.51 HST = $100.01
Changed card to my neo Financial MC (it says I can start using before receiving physical card) and it's been declined twice. neo sent an email "Suspicious Transaction Blocked" that says it was "declined at Public Mobile Online" and if it wasn't me, to contact support to freeze card. On the PM site, I went through "Add Funds with Credit/Debit Card" and it said the purchase couldn't be processed (I copied the message but lost it). So I don't know who's rejecting the purchase, neo (because it's new? though $100 is nothing) or PM (because... ?)
Is there a trick to getting this to work? Or (I'm struggling for reasons) does PM only accept one-time payments of the exact amount owed? If that's the case, I won't recommend the card to anyone else, because it's not worth it for a welcome bonus of $34 less Rewards or whatever they're paying.
@computergeek541 you seem like an expert on neo Financial, so sorry but I'm going to tag you. 🙂
11-26-2023 01:14 AM
I just signed up (Nov 26, 1am), got instant approval and my virtual # even before the card mails out.
The offer still says 100% cashback on first PM purchase up to $100. So I don't want it for autopay, I'm thinking I'll make a 1-time manual top-up of $100. Question is, should I make it $88.50+$11.51 HST, or $100+$13 HST? Obviously the less I have to put on the better, but I'll do $113 if that's what it takes to get $100 back (just learned LCBO purchases, which include HST on the price tag, are awarded AC points pre-HST so it's really 1AP/$4.52).
11-16-2023 01:09 AM
Now I know I'm going crazy, I definitely just posted a screen capture showing the $100 offer and gave non-personalized link to the $100 cashback offer, and it's gone again. Before I do it again, any ideas why? It's not like it was a referral link or anything. I actually came back to say "please let me know if that link isn't working for anyone, or if you're not seeing $100 cashback".
11-16-2023 12:56 AM - edited 11-16-2023 12:58 AM
@ottawa wrote:I'm sure I made other responses to this topic earlier, but they've disappeared (or I didn't post them). Does anyone know if the "100% cashback on 1 PM transaction, max $100" would work on a straight $100 top-up to my PM account? It's not worth the effort to get this card if the cashback can only be used on an autopay ($16+tax) or some other restriction.
It wouldn't make any difference whether it's an autopay payment or if it's a manual payment. The only thing that would matter would be that the Neo card was used to pay Public Mobile directly through the Public Mobile payment system. When it comes to Neo cashback, these offers aren't usually limited to a traditional Mastercard. Such cashback offfers would also usually apply to a Neo secured credit card or the Neo Money card (a prepaid Mastercard) that is linked to a Neo Money ("Everyday Spending") account.
I've looked into the current Neo offers, but unfortuantely, I don't see any such $100 cashback offer. From what I can see, Neo is offering 40% cashback (up to a maximum of $80 cashback) for the first Public Mobile transaction (no minimum amount), and also 5% cashback on a very high minimum of $330 spent over 180 days (you get none of the 5% if you don't meet that $330 minimum spend).
11-16-2023 12:44 AM
I'm sure I made other responses to this topic earlier, but they've disappeared (or I didn't post them). Does anyone know if the "100% cashback on 1 PM transaction, max $100" would work on a straight $100 top-up to my PM account? It's not worth the effort to get this card if the cashback can only be used on an autopay ($16+tax) or some other restriction.
11-16-2023 12:33 AM
Thanks for clarifying, I can see now it's 1.0% on gas and grocery, can do better on both. Some of the partner categories might be better than elsewhere, depends on who the partners are I guess.
11-16-2023 12:28 AM - edited 11-16-2023 12:30 AM
@ottawa wrote:And here's the main page for the CC. The default 1% cashback isn't impressive, but depending on who their partners are, the 2-5% could be.
The default cashback at Neo for payments to non-partner merchants isn't 1%. It's 0%. While Neo does proudly point out that there's a minimum 0.5% cashback, that isn't per transaction, but rather as a minimum per month cashback. This means that if you happen to receive some cashbacks at a higher percentage from partner merchants (or for groceries and gas), it's very possible that most of your purchases/payments will earn no cashback at all. To get a cashback for each and every transaction, customers must pay a monthly fee to Neo (or only make purchasses at non-partners/no-groceriers/non-gas which would cause Neo to adjust that month's cashback to the minimum 0.5%).
11-15-2023 04:45 PM
And here's the main page for the CC. The default 1% cashback isn't impressive, but depending on who their partners are, the 2-5% could be.
11-15-2023 04:31 PM
We got about 7 of them (however many lines we have throughout the extended family)
11-15-2023 04:27 PM
Never heard of such offer.