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Phone Calls from Texas

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am currently in Texas and trying to make a call. I purchased a 15 day call and text package but calls do not go through. I am able to text.


@JRod wrote:

As per this link from T-Mobile, 2G isn’t being shut down until April 2nd 2024.

So @KeithWinsor, you should be able to manually connect to T-Mobile and select 2G/GSM in your voice/data settings and make voice calls unless you’ve already tried this. This will really only work if there is T-Mobile 2G coverage where you are and is a bit hit and miss depending on where you are. 

Thank you. I was going by an earlier date that I thought that I saw.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

As per this link from T-Mobile, 2G isn’t being shut down until April 2nd 2024.

So @KeithWinsor, you should be able to manually connect to T-Mobile and select 2G/GSM in your voice/data settings and make voice calls unless you’ve already tried this. This will really only work if there is T-Mobile 2G coverage where you are and is a bit hit and miss depending on where you are. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you all for the replies and support, now I understand. Time to upgrade I guess. Cheers!

Case closed.



You can also try calling with +1 prefix in front of area code.  

@JRod wrote:


Even if @KeithWinsor’s device isn’t VoLTE compatible, they should still be able to use the T-Mobile 2G network for calling assuming the area in Texas he is in has T-Mobile 2G service, right? 

To my knowledge, T-Mobile's 2G is gone.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Even if @KeithWinsor’s device isn’t VoLTE compatible, they should still be able to use the T-Mobile 2G network for calling assuming the area in Texas he is in has T-Mobile 2G service, right? 

@KeithWinsor wrote:

I am currently in Texas and trying to make a call. I purchased a 15 day call and text package but calls do not go through. I am able to text.

Text mesagees can be sent over an LTE network.  I suspect that your phone might not be able to do VoLTE on the Public Mobile service. The VoLTE capability would be needed to make phone calls while you're there.

Mayor / Maire

@KeithWinsor  Reboot the phone and make sure your connected to T mobile or AT&T , also ensure you got the correct  US roaming add on . And also make sure you have data roaming turned on in phone settings . What phone do you have ? Do you know if voLTE is enabled ?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


When you go into your cellular settings, go to network selection, are you connected to T-Mobile or AT&T? Manually connect to one or the other and then reboot. T-Mobile has worked for most but try both all depending on which one you automatically connected to.

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