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How to stop certain emails from PM

Mayor / Maire

How to stop PM email notifications with Subject: A reply to a topic you are following has been accepted as a solution!

But I still want to receive notification regarding Bravos and MY Solutions. AND only these 2 notifications...


Mayor / Maire

@Meow    Any reason why you can't change the default settings for all the items listed under Subscriptions/Notifications/Email Notifications (as per link posted by @Handy1 )?   You can select what you want to receive a notification for or receive no email notifications at all from the community forum (my personal preference) as it's just as easy to turn on the email for private notification when needed for contacting support.   Just make sure to unclick the little  box for selected solutions if that's the only email notification you don't want to receive, of course.


Mayor / Maire

@Meow  Unfortunately I think it’s all or nothing with the emails 

@Handy1  and @JRod  - There are so many options there... I was looking if somebody knows Exactly which option to turn off to stop receiving these notifications.

@computergeek541  - Pop-ups are already OFF. It is emails I do not want to receive. I will try with removing Automatic Subscription...

Thanks Everybody!

@Meow wrote:

How to stop PM email notifications with Subject: A reply to a topic you are following has been accepted as a solution!

But I still want to receive notification regarding Bravos and MY Solutions. AND only these 2 notifications...

Is it the pop notifications that you don't want or the e-mail messages that you don't want?  Either way, I don't see any destinction between solutiosn that you receive and solutions assigned to threads that you're participated in. I believe that you may wish not to autoamtically subscribe to any thread that you've replied to.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Click the avatar icon in the right corner, go to settings, hit the downward pointing arrows, click subscription and notifications, then notification settings.


Mayor / Maire
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