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Phone Calls dropping after sometime.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Any calls i make or even receive are dropping after sometime. THis is very random and happens at anytime. Started happening since yesterday. Before that it was working fine without any issues. I just hear a beep and the calls disconnects. Please look into my account to see what the issue is. 


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

What was the end result of this issue? Was it ever resolved? I am experiencing the same problem 5 years later. Calls drop randomly, but most commonly around 9min mark. I am on the $15 unlimited incoming plan. Other family members on higher priced plans seem unaffected. Customer service claimed it is likely due to my phone not supporting VOLTE, but neither do any of our other phones. Furthermore I tried forcing the phone to 3G only mode and the issue persists. I have been in the same location for 12 years and always on Telus and then PM as of 7 years ago.. never had many dropped calls. Now it is almost every call. I thought PM is the same network as Telus, but it seems maybe not anymore?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks for that.


As for contacting a @CS_Agent , I will save myself the frustration as this is not something account specific. I could not endure someone telling me to reboot my phone or reset it, or ...... There is a bigger problem here PM need to sort at the network level i suspect. I just cant be a test bed for them.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@vacek wrote:

I'm in N.B. and lately have been experiencing random call drops. They are frequent enough now (multiple times per day) that I have to consider another carrier. This is simply not acceptable, and apparently not being addressed after reading this thread.


I looked into Lucky but they dont offer ANY plans to talk/text/data from the USA. I travel fairly often so not an option. Chatr is .50c per minute from the USA, this isnt doable either.


Hate to move to a major carrier and get skinned alive on price ... but I'm not seeing any other options.


Too bad, I generally liked Public, but this dropped call crap is over the top and I cannot continue on.

@vacek for calls and data in canada Lucky mobile and Chatr have the same prices ... i too travel to the US allot and i just have a Roam Mobility ( SIM card which i use. Its 4.99 a day for talk text and data when in the US. And it works quite well. I just forward my Canada numbe to the Roam Mobility number. 

@vacek wrote:

I'm in N.B. and lately have been experiencing random call drops. They are frequent enough now (multiple times per day) that I have to consider another carrier. This is simply not acceptable, and apparently not being addressed after reading this thread.


I looked into Lucky but they dont offer ANY plans to talk/text/data from the USA. I travel fairly often so not an option. Chatr is .50c per minute from the USA, this isnt doable either.


Hate to move to a major carrier and get skinned alive on price ... but I'm not seeing any other options.


Too bad, I generally liked Public, but this dropped call crap is over the top and I cannot continue on.

@vacek  If you travel often to the US maybe something like  this is a better option for you. Regarding the dropped calls issue maybe notify the Public Mobile team moderator to see if it an account issue that can be fixed.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Dunkman wrote:


If you are having issues with dropped calls, you may want to contact moderator via private message with your issues.  They may be able to help you out.  


Send a private message to moderator through the following link :

HI @Dunkman , I am not going to go to the moderators this time .. I am tired of this crap .. The last time i went they spent 2 weeks just telling me that it is my phone and not their issue. Forcing me to reset my mobile and install everything from scratch otherwise they are not even going to move on and support my issue. I refused to do it because i have a brain.  Even the stupidest person on earth would have looked at the issues and the number of people complaining and said it was a network issue on their side. Then once they figured that out after a month (from the first caller that i knew off) they started working on it and it is still not solved .. 2 months later. They did some fix .. it was fine for a few days and then again this issue. It happened twice to me this morning as well. So i dont want support to look into this anymore as I just dont have the time to troubleshoot. I did it so much the last few months and many other people also did .. that they need to pay me and others a salary for this. Anyway i want to tag the @CS_Agent to let them know that if PM wants to survive they need to hire people with atleast low levels of intelligence. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I'm in N.B. and lately have been experiencing random call drops. They are frequent enough now (multiple times per day) that I have to consider another carrier. This is simply not acceptable, and apparently not being addressed after reading this thread.


I looked into Lucky but they dont offer ANY plans to talk/text/data from the USA. I travel fairly often so not an option. Chatr is .50c per minute from the USA, this isnt doable either.


Hate to move to a major carrier and get skinned alive on price ... but I'm not seeing any other options.


Too bad, I generally liked Public, but this dropped call crap is over the top and I cannot continue on.


EDIT: I should also mention that I'm using an iPhone XR (just purchased from Apple). My wife, who is also on PM, has also experienced dropped calls on her iPhone X but she doesnt use it nearly as much as i do. But in either case, it still exists for her also as an issue.


If you are having issues with dropped calls, you may want to contact moderator via private message with your issues.  They may be able to help you out.  


Send a private message to moderator through the following link :

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Calls still dropping. I noticed this for theblast week that some calls are dropping especially while driving. This is just crap .. i i ha to move away from this crap company .. you guys need to close down PM and stop fooling people .. @CS_Agent 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

So I spoke to soon, I had 5 dropped calls from 5:30 to 6:00pm EST tonight. This is garbage! I've messaged the moderator team as per their post, we'll see where we go from here, but my patience is wearing very thin.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's not right. So I have to suffer another 2 months of this crappy service?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

May 7th and one dropped call after another.

@Eval wrote:

This is getting ridiculous,  I'm dropping calls faster than ever now. 


Has anyone left with a balance in their account?  How do they refund? 

As Public Mobile is a prepaid refunds. Use it up before you bail.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This is getting ridiculous,  I'm dropping calls faster than ever now. 


Has anyone left with a balance in their account?  How do they refund? 

@Eval wrote:

I'm using a Samsung S7 but it's obvious it's not a phone issue.

I've been with Telus since cell phones first came out and had one dropped call in all that time.

I thought PM was part of Telus and I'd get the same quality. This is unacceptable.

That's interesting

I didn't have issues yet - doesn't mean it won't happen.

Yesterday,i was on the phone with my brother and it was disconnecting every 7 minutes. I'm following this problem for over a week now and waiting for my turn, so i was sure it's me after 2nd time we got disconnected. He calls me back and says he's phone has been acting up, he hears beep (i don't). I told him my carrier has issues at the moment

Gonna give home a call and see if he resolved it


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Last night I had no dropped calls, fingers crossed that this issue is resolved

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hairbag1 i did my due diligence and knew they did not have a call center but thought exactly like you .. what could go wrong once the account is setup.  But .. when i ported my number my porting was not done correctly and it took about 3 days to be resolved .. i did not have a phone for 3 days ... then after 2 months after the porting .. everything was well when suddenly 1 day i woke up and had no service .. i again raised a ticket .. and they got bac to me in 2 days and said there was something wrong with their systems .. and then resolved it .. again i was without a phone for 2 days .. and then now this ... so in the last year alone i have had 3 different issues .. i have never had anything like this every before .. i have used many different providers in different countries for the last 22 years .. and have paid a fraction of the cost i am paying public mobile .. cause canada has the highest wireless costs in the world .. So paying so much when compared to the rest of the world .. you would atleast expect your service to work normally.. but no ..    And the porting issue is not me only .. i have seen so many people complain about the porting issue on these forums .. so there is something definitely wrong ... when people say .. you get what you pay for .. well .. i am paying the highest rates in the world .. (it maybe the cheapest in canada with PM) but still i am not getting what i paid for .. if service is to be like this then PM needs to slash their costs by 90% ... then i would not complain .. 

@joelmine wrote:

That depends on what the compensation is. But yes i will be moving out. Cause this can happen again and there is no call centre too with PM.. al other competetors like chatr, lucky mobile etc al have call centers which make it much easier to register a complaint. 

@joelmine, you maybe should have done your due diligence before you signed up with PM and you'd have known beforehand that there's no call center.

I'll be honest with you...this past few weeks was definately an anomoly. I'm sure there's still cell phones that are bricks. As a rule though, once your service has been established with PM, it's a pretty stable cell provider...not withstanding the last month or so. There's going to be variations in service depending on location, the weather, ...could be any reason.  I've been here for a couple of years now and can say I don't regret my choice in cell providers. The PM Community of problem solvers are rich with solutions and ideas to a majority of issues that arise. You stick around for 90 days and I think you'll prolly be glad you did.

Good luck wherever you land up.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

That depends on what the compensation is. But yes i will be moving out. Cause this can happen again and there is no call centre too with PM.. al other competetors like chatr, lucky mobile etc al have call centers which make it much easier to register a complaint. 

@joelmine wrote:

I think its going to be a month now for the drop calls issue as some on this thread noticed it happening about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Still no solution in sight. All they say is they are working on it. Thats just not acceptable. Either public mobile has to compensate us big time for this or we are moving to another provider. Just does not make sense to go throigh this crap when there are better options for the same price. @CS_Agent  its up to you now. 

You've previously let everyone know you were leaving PM when your current plan ran out. Are you now saying you'll stay if PM compensates you "big time" ? Let us all know how you like your next cell provider then.

I don't think threats like that really help you here...but you never know, eh.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I think its going to be a month now for the drop calls issue as some on this thread noticed it happening about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Still no solution in sight. All they say is they are working on it. Thats just not acceptable. Either public mobile has to compensate us big time for this or we are moving to another provider. Just does not make sense to go throigh this crap when there are better options for the same price. @CS_Agent  its up to you now. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

There are more issues with public mobile .. read the link below. What the hell r these jokers doing ??

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

My calls dropped atleast 5 times today .. it was annoying and i finally forwarded all calls to my Fongo number and using that from the morning..  I will wait for my plan to come to an end this month and will be moving over to Lucky Mobile .. THis is such a joke .. I cannot believe PM cannot get this resolved and it has taken over 3 weeks for them just to acknowledge the issue is with their network .. I have lived in 4 different countries and have been using mobiles for the last 21 years and have never seen anything like this .. which is so slow to resolve such a critical issue. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am also experiecning very frequent call dropping. Trying to have a conversation with my friend and in the last hour it has dropped four times! 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Ok, at least I know it's not my new phone! It's been happening to both myself and my mom all day (both on PM).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Had three drops over 3 hours (2 in the last 30 minutes) in Calgary this afternoon. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I just experienced this during a call this afternoon. Call dropped a dozen times each time after approx 4-5 minutes. Toronto area.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Latest update from the Moderator:


I know and I am truly sorry about that.

I assure you that the technical team is on it.

Please try to restart the phone from time to time and test it. It might be fixed any minute.


Let's all hope it is resolved sooner rather then later. But a good tip for us to keep checking with our phones and rebooting it. Fingers crossed.

@Mollster wrote:

I just got the below from a moderator:


HI there!


I apologize for any inconvenience, please know that our technical teams are working hard on resolving the issue.

We will get back to you as soon as we have an update.


Let's hope the issue gets resolved for all of us soon.

Thanks for the info @Mollster . At the very least...we know someone is working towards resolution. Hang in there.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just got the below from a moderator:


HI there!


I apologize for any inconvenience, please know that our technical teams are working hard on resolving the issue.

We will get back to you as soon as we have an update.


Let's hope the issue gets resolved for all of us soon.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
@acoady @joelmine
Just got this from a Mod...let's hope for resolution quickly.
I really appreciate that information. Thanks to you, and many other customer reporting this issue, it's been finally escalated to a higher level.

Thank you for the patience and understanding, now we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully this issue is going to be resolved soon. Keep in mind that working on a "dropped calls" issue is not as easy as when a site is down or certain area has no service at all. Dropped calls is an intermittent issue and different locations and it's a more complex thing to deal with.

Fortunately, Public Mobile, along with the Telus family, have really good technicians and engineers that will fix this soon.
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