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Phone Calls dropping after sometime.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Any calls i make or even receive are dropping after sometime. THis is very random and happens at anytime. Started happening since yesterday. Before that it was working fine without any issues. I just hear a beep and the calls disconnects. Please look into my account to see what the issue is. 


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@acoady wrote:

@PlanShopper One evening I had 4 drops in a row at 7 minutes plus or minus 5 seconds.


@joelmine what pisses me off the most is that now that they know or acknowledge its a network issue they haven't replied on these posts, made an annoumcement about it, or contacted those who have PM'd them about it.


At least if they publicly acknowledged it we'd know they were actually doing something about it.

@PlanShopper Thats exactly what i am upset about too. When tech support called me i even told them i have given the link to our forum post on the private message can one of you at least acknowledge and give us updates there so everyone is aware of whats going on. I also sent another message to the mods telling them to give us updates on this forum post. They replied to other stuff in my message but still no updates on this. All they say is we are working on it. Its frustrating .. I am looking to change to Lucky Mobile as they have the same rate plans. So that will be 3 accounts in my hours moving from Public Mobile soon. 

@acoady wrote:

@hairbag1 I've been on Public since November. Had an issue porting in and NEVER got a reply from the mods, it just magically started working a few days later. I agree thats its normally been good, but this last couple weeks has been absolute garbage.


Also why is it on me to keep sending messages? If their service states 48 hours then they had better be living up to that

I couldn't agree more....PM seems to have been swamped with this upset and seemingly not very forthcoming with updates. It does make a person look to other cell providers, as PM isn't the onlyest cell service in Canada....just one of the cheapest.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hairbag1 I've been on Public since November. Had an issue porting in and NEVER got a reply from the mods, it just magically started working a few days later. I agree thats its normally been good, but this last couple weeks has been absolute garbage.


Also why is it on me to keep sending messages? If their service states 48 hours then they had better be living up to that

@acoady wrote:

I messaged the moderators 48 hours ago and have gotten no response. Getting sick and tired of crap service in the evenings. I'm now in the middle of shopping around for new plans elsewhere

If you sent them a message and you have no response after 48 hours, I'd send another. I know you're frustrated as are alot of folks....but once service has been established, you'll be glad you stuck around. It's usually a stable, reliable cell service, but just lately there's been an upset that's affected alot of newer accounts for some reason. Hang in there.

Not applicable

@acoady wrote:

I messaged the moderators 48 hours ago and have gotten no response. Getting sick and tired of crap service in the evenings. I'm now in the middle of shopping around for new plans elsewhere

Let us know what you find and their rates and what their support model is. I'm sure we'd all be interested.

Then any rewards (I know...what's the point of rewards if the service isn't working 🙂 ) but this place has the most rewards from when I last checked.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@PlanShopper One evening I had 4 drops in a row at 7 minutes plus or minus 5 seconds.


@joelmine what pisses me off the most is that now that they know or acknowledge its a network issue they haven't replied on these posts, made an annoumcement about it, or contacted those who have PM'd them about it.


At least if they publicly acknowledged it we'd know they were actually doing something about it.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I messaged the moderators 48 hours ago and have gotten no response. Getting sick and tired of crap service in the evenings. I'm now in the middle of shopping around for new plans elsewhere

@stu1441 wrote:

I am having the same issue. Several dropped calls in the last few days. Very frustrating. I can’t file a complaint with the crtc unless I try to resolve with PM first. I’m hesitant because I don’t think they will look into this...

You should  click here to send private message to the moderators. They might not respond for up to 48 hours but usually less. Please be patient as they're quite busy this week,,,as you can see. Good luck.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am having the same issue. Several dropped calls in the last few days. Very frustrating. I can’t file a complaint with the crtc unless I try to resolve with PM first. I’m hesitant because I don’t think they will look into this...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@joelmine wrote:

@Pizzaeh wrote:

@joelmine wrote:

I really dont understand what your saying .. You said that we have to first go to public mobile with the issue give them time to resolve and only then complain to CTS ? right .. i have done exactly that. I have gone to public mobile .. and they had more than 2 weeks and have not done anything about this. 2 weeks not being able to use my phone is a very long time. Especially since i work in an industry where my phone is essential for my work. SO now i have taken it to CCTS. 

Hi @joelmine your post from this past Friday said it started happening for you the day before, so Thurs. a week ago. Have you sent a private message to the moderators?  If you haven't sent them a private message yet about the dropped calls click here.


Response time is within 48 hours. 


Moderator hours:

Weekdays 8am to 12am (Eastern time), Weekends 8am to 10pm (Eastern time)


Hi Pizzaeh .. i had 1 dropped call while i was ona  conference about 2 weeks ago and did not pay attention to it as i thought it was a one of thing. But last thursday i noticed it was really bad while talking to my wife. It keps dropping every few mins and i had to call with whatsapp in the end. So the issue for me was more than 2 weeks. I just reported it last thursday by sending a private message to the mods. But there were many who reported it even 3 to 4 weeks ago and nothing was done. I also have made my aunt who is 83 years old switch to PM and she told me last week that calls keep dropping and she does not know why. And she is 83 and has to deal with this crap. So i am moving her too to Lucky mobile as PM does not even have a call centre and i cant ask my aunt to submit tickets as she wont even know how too. Or i will have to do it for her. But regardless. PM had more than enough time to sort out such a critical issue but looks like they dont even know what to do. So i am going to wait a few days and then switch too. 

Hi @joelmine , yes I'm reading more posts about dropped calls, so it's definitely something Public Mobile will have to take a look into.  Regarding my post about the timeline, I can only comment based on the details provided.  Public Mobile is not for everyone since the first line of trouble shooting are other customers like us and it takes some initiative to ask questions and search for answers.  These latest issues are testing everyone's patience, I agree with you on that.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Pizzaeh wrote:

@joelmine wrote:

I really dont understand what your saying .. You said that we have to first go to public mobile with the issue give them time to resolve and only then complain to CTS ? right .. i have done exactly that. I have gone to public mobile .. and they had more than 2 weeks and have not done anything about this. 2 weeks not being able to use my phone is a very long time. Especially since i work in an industry where my phone is essential for my work. SO now i have taken it to CCTS. 

Hi @joelmine your post from this past Friday said it started happening for you the day before, so Thurs. a week ago. Have you sent a private message to the moderators?  If you haven't sent them a private message yet about the dropped calls click here.


Response time is within 48 hours. 


Moderator hours:

Weekdays 8am to 12am (Eastern time), Weekends 8am to 10pm (Eastern time)


Hi Pizzaeh .. i had 1 dropped call while i was ona  conference about 2 weeks ago and did not pay attention to it as i thought it was a one of thing. But last thursday i noticed it was really bad while talking to my wife. It keps dropping every few mins and i had to call with whatsapp in the end. So the issue for me was more than 2 weeks. I just reported it last thursday by sending a private message to the mods. But there were many who reported it even 3 to 4 weeks ago and nothing was done. I also have made my aunt who is 83 years old switch to PM and she told me last week that calls keep dropping and she does not know why. And she is 83 and has to deal with this crap. So i am moving her too to Lucky mobile as PM does not even have a call centre and i cant ask my aunt to submit tickets as she wont even know how too. Or i will have to do it for her. But regardless. PM had more than enough time to sort out such a critical issue but looks like they dont even know what to do. So i am going to wait a few days and then switch too. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I had many dropped calls where the signal is very good. I'm in Quebec. 

Not applicable


This HAS been a super crappy time for the company. I think since the change-over of removing the legacy status of the long-time customers back in mid-March. There has been one problem after another since then.

Maybe their less-for-less is also paying lesser wages of "less" talented and knowledgeable programmers or whatever system stuff needs to go on in the background. We get what we pay for and they get what they pay for. Who knows. Frustrating for all those affected.

Frustrating for the regulars here to see these waves of problems come and go.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
Oh, I know they're realizing it now, I was just adding a 100% concrete test for reference. If they had any amount of Change management internally, they can probably look back and find out what changes were made when the issues started. I'm getting the impression that they just change configs willy nilly and have no idea what could have triggered this to start suddenly and that is scary.

I also got a PM asking me for more details on dropped calls and confirming it was believed to be a system issue as well. Lets hope it gets resolved quickly, but I think it's time for me to ditch PM anyways as I can't sustain all these issues, even if it is "Less for Less". AT this rate, it's more like "marginally less for nothing, mostly".

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Also .. i forgot to state that Public Mobile is beginning to realize it is a network issue as a moderator sent me a message stating that it is a network issue and they are looking into it. But the time it took them to realize this is just not acceptable. I am in tech support too and it clearly is not rocket science to realize that this is not an issue specific to someone's phone. Or maybe they knew it all along and wanted to play dumb and move is to Koodo and charge more money for the same plan .. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks for that PlanShopper .. but we were convinced it was not a phone issue as so many were having the same problem including 2 others in my house who have totally different phones than me. I am looking to move to Lucky Mobile too as they have the same rate plans as public mobile Minus the call drops 🙂 .. But I will wait till this weekend and if this issue still persists i am moving on Monday .. Others who want the same plans as they have now please go to Lucky Mobile website and have a look 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

So, I just proved what I consider to be 100% concrete proof that it is PM's issue.  I bought a Lucky Mobile SIM today, activated a line and installed the SIM in the same phone that I was told had hardware issues by PM techs.  I then called my parents who are on PM and the call dropped (from their side).  I grabbed my wife's phone who is on PM and called my parents again (also on PM) and the call dropped.  This test was unerxpected because up until now, PM to PM calls have not been an issue.  So, I then used my conference bridge to connect my wife's PM phone to, and my Lucky Mobile phone to (same number, same bridge, at the same time).  7 minutes in, my wife's PM line dropped (expected) and 11 minutes later, my Lucky Mobile line was still connected just fine.


Also, I can confirm that we were both connected to the same tower. 

A) We live rural and only have 1 tower in range.

B) I have a repeater that I installed so it's not a connectivity issue as we have full bars on both phones (around -71db for the techies out there).


That puts both lines on the same tower at the same time, calling the same number and PM's line dropped, Bell/Lucky did not.


Time to step up PM....your customers aren't wrong.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This is so frustrating ... it keeps happening so random .. and i cant use my phone which is causing a major issue .. how can Public Mobile take so long to resolve this ?? how is this acceptable ?? i just dont get it .. just now i had to use whatsapp to talk .. which is fine .. but what about important calls i get and everyone has my number .. i cant keep telling everyone to call me on whatsapp or another number .. 

I am sure this is a plan to get everyone to move to Koodo ... We need to boycott Telus brands..  i cant believe a company can stoop so low .. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

5:12pm and after 5mins the call got dropped. F me. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

For me its not 7 minutes .. I was just talking right now to a friend and it dropped after 24 minutes .. then i called back and it dropped again after 6mins 50 sec...  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I submitted a ticket 3 weeks ago, spoke to Mods, then L1 support, then a few days later L2 support. Both times they brushed it off and blamed my hardware. I had SO MUCH DATA for them to look at and not one was interested in ANY of the data I provided. They checked the towers, said no issues and blamed my hardware then told me to go to Koodo for better service.

I work in IT, I know what it's like to get BS tickets claiming all kinds of failures. That's why my first contact was so detailed and still "user error". Such a waste of time and terrible customer service. Now, to be fair, the Tech guys were super friendly, but in my opinion, not at all helpful in any way.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Interesting that you suggest 7 minutes. Most of my dropped calls were almost exactly 7 minutes. I have a feeling that this might give them an indicator as to where to look. I told them this in my ticket 3 weeks ago and not a single person cared to acknowledge the 7 minutes.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@joelmine wrote:

I really dont understand what your saying .. You said that we have to first go to public mobile with the issue give them time to resolve and only then complain to CTS ? right .. i have done exactly that. I have gone to public mobile .. and they had more than 2 weeks and have not done anything about this. 2 weeks not being able to use my phone is a very long time. Especially since i work in an industry where my phone is essential for my work. SO now i have taken it to CCTS. 

Hi @joelmine your post from this past Friday said it started happening for you the day before, so Thurs. a week ago. Have you sent a private message to the moderators?  If you haven't sent them a private message yet about the dropped calls click here.


Response time is within 48 hours. 


Moderator hours:

Weekdays 8am to 12am (Eastern time), Weekends 8am to 10pm (Eastern time)


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I really dont understand what your saying .. You said that we have to first go to public mobile with the issue give them time to resolve and only then complain to CTS ? right .. i have done exactly that. I have gone to public mobile .. and they had more than 2 weeks and have not done anything about this. 2 weeks not being able to use my phone is a very long time. Especially since i work in an industry where my phone is essential for my work. SO now i have taken it to CCTS. 

@joelmine wrote:

@will13am wrote:

@joelmine wrote:

I just made a complaint to CCTS ... for those of you who need the link  .. Please give in a complaint or else Public Mobile will never get this resolved .. The more complaints we have the faster this issue would be fixed. 

The CCTS is one route for resolving wireless carrier issues.  However, it's not step 1.  You do need to work with the carrier to resolve your concern and give them time to deal with the problem.  Only if they don't address the problem to your satisfaction do you seek CCTS support.  

This problem has been going on for a few weeks now. I noticed it few weeks ago and opened a ticket and others have been having this for a few months.  You really think we have not given PM time to resolve this ? Dropped calls for so long and for so many users should be the highest priority for them. But looks like its not given so much priority after all. 

I have seen some complaints starting many days ago.  I just wanted to point out that the CCTS complaint process requires interaction with the carrier first.  Since these are individual complaints and not a class action type complaint, you can't say somebody else has already complained and I don't need to.  I am definitely not condoning this thing dragging on so long.  Clearly Public Mobile owes the the customer base an explanation of what is going on with an update of activities to remedy the problem.  This is irrespective of whether customers choose to take their case to the CCTS or not. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@will13am wrote:

@joelmine wrote:

I just made a complaint to CCTS ... for those of you who need the link  .. Please give in a complaint or else Public Mobile will never get this resolved .. The more complaints we have the faster this issue would be fixed. 

The CCTS is one route for resolving wireless carrier issues.  However, it's not step 1.  You do need to work with the carrier to resolve your concern and give them time to deal with the problem.  Only if they don't address the problem to your satisfaction do you seek CCTS support.  

This problem has been going on for a few weeks now. I noticed it few weeks ago and opened a ticket and others have been having this for a few months.  You really think we have not given PM time to resolve this ? Dropped calls for so long and for so many users should be the highest priority for them. But looks like its not given so much priority after all. 

@joelmine wrote:

I just made a complaint to CCTS ... for those of you who need the link  .. Please give in a complaint or else Public Mobile will never get this resolved .. The more complaints we have the faster this issue would be fixed. 

The CCTS is one route for resolving wireless carrier issues.  However, it's not step 1.  You do need to work with the carrier to resolve your concern and give them time to deal with the problem.  Only if they don't address the problem to your satisfaction do you seek CCTS support.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Definitely not an issue with bell. Between 11-12:30pm I had people trying to contact me. My phone was not ringing at all. I got a text from a friend asking me why I’m not picking up. I called it from my office and sure enough phone was not ringing. 


I have forwarded my PM to a Bell cellular that I use for work. And voila. Calls are coming in just fine. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I had 5 drops last night between 5pm and 6pm, no call could last more than 7 minutes. This morning no problems during a call of 25 minutes and another for an hour. Clearly this has nothing to do with my hardware and is a Public Mobile Network issue. @CS_Agent What is the story here, no respose to message or these forums. Speak up or I'm porting out.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I just made a complaint to CCTS ... for those of you who need the link  .. Please give in a complaint or else Public Mobile will never get this resolved .. The more complaints we have the faster this issue would be fixed. 

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