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Phone Box Port In.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

How does an individual go about Porting in they're Phone number from Phone Box?

I have a Referral who tried and since there was no 'Phone Box' option they selected 'Rogers' 🤦‍

Since the Port obviously didn't work, and he's still using the Phone Box SIM I changed the Number on his account back to a New one so we can retry this Port, but how do I do it?

I've never brought anyone over from Freedom Mobile, or Phone Box.. what's the process?

With the Referral present, should I call Phone Box Customer Service and the Telus Porting Department on a conference call to try and get this manually done?

We already tried asking an Agent to do this for us on The Community chats but they did absolutely nothing and for over a week now this Referral has been losing days in his new cycle since he's unable to Port in his number. 

It's been such an inconvenience, he'd pay $15 for a prepaid plan somewhere else like Lucky where he can Port his Number, just so it's Portable to Public in the end... but why all these hoops! 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We did that, they provided a new Account Number which was different from the first one and put the Account into Port Mode. 

We than called the Telus Porting Department and they we're able to manually bring the number over using this new Account Number that PhoneBox Provided. 

Thanks for your help.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Priority  The way you're supposed to do it, is you need to contact Phonebox and they will set up your account for porting.

Unofficially.. someone said they were successfully able to port immediately into Freedom from Phonebox without following those steps. So you may be able to port into Freedom and then over to PM.


Mayor / Maire

@Priority wrote:

How does an individual go about Porting in they're Phone number from Phone Box?

I have a Referral who tried and since there was no 'Phone Box' option they selected 'Rogers' 🤦‍

Since the Port obviously didn't work, and he's still using the Phone Box SIM I changed the Number on his account back to a New one so we can retry this Port, but how do I do it?

I've never brought anyone over from Freedom Mobile, or Phone Box.. what's the process?

“With the Referral present, should I call Phone Box Customer Service and the Telus Porting Department on a conference call to try and get this manually done?

@Priority , that ⬆️ may be the only way to get it done properly/successfully since CS_Agent wouldn’t help! 😔 

We already tried asking an Agent to do this for us on The Community chats but they did absolutely nothing and for over a week now this Referral has been losing days in his new cycle since he's unable to Port in his number. 

It's been such an inconvenience, he'd pay $15 for a prepaid plan somewhere else like Lucky where he can Port his Number, just so it's Portable to Public in the end... but why all these hoops! 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

We already have the Phone Box account number and tried Submitting a Ticket but the agent didn't do a single thing. 

The account is currently Active and Ghosting the Number he wants to Port in from Phone Box. 



To port out from Phonebox, you need to call them and ask them for the account number

After you confirm the number is portable into PM, then please  activate with a temporary number first

Once activation is done and confirmed working, you can open ticket with PM support and ask them to help to port the number from Phonebox and provide them PB's account number

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