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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, last month I unscribed my auto payment before the end of my cycle but I was still charged and it changed my status from unsubscribed to subscribe.

Can I request for the refund? I didn't use my number as I'm outside Canada.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I didn't upgrade. I just unsubscribed auto payment since I am outside Canada and not using my line. So weird it still billed me and changed my status to subscribe. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for your speedy response and help. I pray for the best 🙏🙏🙏

Mayor / Maire


If you disabled AutoPay on your account and the system charged you. I would suggest that you bring this up with a CS_Agent by private messaging them.


it shouldn't just enable it again. 

But My Account went through an upgrade earlier, I wonder if that upgrade mistakenly enabled it. 

Login My Account again now and see if it the Subscribed is now disabled 

and Support might be able to fix it, hopefully.  Let us know how it turns out


Mayor / Maire

@Lai2  never hurts to ask . So fingers crossed they will credit you for it . If it just renewed and you haven’t used it . Best of luck 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, that was what I did but it still charged me. Hopefully it will work in the next cycle. I wonder if the CS agent works though 

Mayor / Maire

@Lai2  pM  is ore paid so not typically and refunds but you can check with support 

message support directly

while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click    



but to be certain aug pay is off check like this 

Turn  auto pay  OFF/ON  3 easy clicks




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