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Payment amount

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi I have a $15 plan with $2auto pay reward .I should be charged $13 right ? (  I did not use any over time etc).but my credit card got charged $14.56? And it happened in previous months too with odd cents etc .

Pls advise the reasonthanks





Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you . I forgot about tax.

Mayor / Maire


I still had a flip phone when I joined public mobile and I still don't have a good working relationship with these new fangled computer thingys but the knowledge I have gained by hanging out in the community is astounding.....the rewards don't hurt either.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You are the master and I am but a pebble.

Mayor / Maire


I have two accounts with a $0 bill and I'm 4 referrals away from the bf having a $0 bill too!





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I find your lack of faith in Mondays stomach-turning. Get a load of this person raving about "computer" invention.

Machines will never replace humans. You can quote me on that. I'll be more than happy to have a further discussion on the matter by way of carrier pigeon. 

On the real, the managing tidbit you posted about is a little interesting. I didn't really think too much about that. 

I'll take your advice and lurk in the meantime to glean tips on how to spread the Word.









Mayor / Maire


Referrals can be very lucrative (up to $110/110pts per 30 days) but there are some do's and don'ts on how you can share your referral code. When it comes to the community it may only be shared via private message upon request by the recipient. Other sites have their own rules familiarize yourself with them before sharing your referral code.


Better yet hang out in the community to learn about your pm service, account, promotions and generally how things work. The best way to acquire referrals and retain them is being able access customers who will be happy customers and managing their expectations. Some you will refer and never hear from again, some will need a little help getting all set up with their activation and how the community works and getting customer support.


Others still usually from your own family and friends will need account management because all these new fangled computer stuff is for robots and spaceships. So while all they want to do is call people and maybe text and not get a monthly bill for $40+ a month but can't function without call centre. You become the call centre but they rarely if ever call you because a problem arising hardly ever happens if you know how to manage the accounts effectively.


I have several of these and two that are not family and they have been ticking along nicely ever since I referred them. One uses autopay the other has a card registered for the reward and data bonus but pays by voucher thru 611 on his phone. All I do is log in every once in awhile to make sure there are no anomalies in their account and screenshot their transaction history, mention if a $5/500min add on is getting low and add one if they want and when freebies come along either add them or call them and tell them what to do (reply YES to the text)and once or twice over the past 2 1/2 years I opened a support ticket to get a minor account issue fixed.


I have referred 22 people and lost 3 of them. 2 were visiting American tourists so that was to be expected and one was my fault for miscalculating a 90 day suspension date for a friend while they were away. I referred them again 6 weeks later at the end of December stacking several promos and activation bundle from Canadian Cell Supplies to get them $175 worth of service, credits and bonus add ons for $21. It made up for my mistake and customer support kindly recovered their phone # for me as well.


The bonus to all this as you learn, question, post, bravo, comment, search, award solutions and overall contribute to the community is you will likely earn a community reward too! It all adds up in points that can be redeemed for bill credits and discounted add ons. Welcome to the community!




Oh yeah....death and taxes the only two things you can count on in life.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire


If you were charged $14.56 then you are on the old Rewards system. ($15-$2) $13 + GST + PST = $14.56.

Mayor / Maire

junghn: Still not. You would earn points. Then you can buy things here with those points. But paying for the plan stays constant unless you buy enough to pay the plan.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah I did some digging around in the forums. Shame. I was originally drawn with those bonuses in mind + lower fee + deducting off your monthly fee which was the old system I believe?

I suppose if I go buck-wild and splatter the referral code around with some incentive so its not just spamming I could still lower the monthly bill amount.  

@junghn wrote:

Is the auto-pay deduction promo still on-going? I don't see any mention of it detailed anywhere on my account. 

There is no more $2 off for autopay. New Points system is in effect.

junghn: You are not eligible for the autopay reward. You will get the extra data. You will earn points. No deductions. You would have to collect points to buy deductions.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Death, taxes, Mondays. C'est la vie.


I just signed up. I see on my self serve page that I'm signed up for auto-pay at the bottom of the page via

"You are currently registered for dynamic Autopay."

Is the auto-pay deduction promo still on-going? I don't see any mention of it detailed anywhere on my account. 

Mayor / Maire

The almighty shakedown of shakedowns aka taxes

Mayor / Maire

Taxes. They appear as the total on the credit card. Only pre-tax amounts are shown on the account.

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