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Pay for add ons with funds on account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Does anybody know if it is possible to pay for add ons with funds on your account? If yes, how? Thank you so much


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @SK85 yes,  PM always take money from Available Fund first before getting money from your credit card


Yes, I confirm. I purchased US add on and PM took money from available fund first, then PM charged the balance from my credit card.

Mayor / Maire

hi @SK85 yes,  PM always take money from Available Fund first before getting money from your credit card


Mayor / Maire

@SK85 - Through My Account. Or there are certain addons available (like some USA Roaming ones) to purchase when you call 611 from your public mobile device, or # 1-855-478-2542 or # 1-855-4PUBLIC from another device.

Mayor / Maire

Did YOU try?
I just looked and it looks like only registered credit card is offered as payment option (even though I do have funds on account).

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