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PUK code

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Is there a easier way to get my PUK code then waiting for this ticket thing?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yeah I didn't know what the code for the eSIM was intended for. Yes I'm not going to do that again after the stress it caused me last night...


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Knotty Why are you locking your eSIM?  Locking a SIM serves two purposes - protecting data stored in the SIM (which doesn't happen on any smartphone) and preventing it from being used by a bad actor - particularly if it's removed and put in another phone.

You can't remove an eSIM and use on another phone, so at most locking your esim is giving you another passcode to enter when you start your phone, adding protection on top of the lock screen passcode.  That's it - you're not getting the value you would out of locking a physical SIM.

 I would suggest you stop locking your eSIM (once you get it unlocked this time, of course) and simply make sure your lock screen passcode/passphrase is strong and your phone is set to erase after a certain number of bad entries (iPhones do it after 10 tries, I'm not sure about Android).  I have a  six character passcode, and I can guarantee that no one is going to guess it in ten tries. 

Of course, make sure you have a backup copy of your passcode stored someplace safe, since neither PM nor any other carrier can help you if you forget your passcode.


if you sent a message more than 24 hours ago, I'd suggest using the link I provided and ask again now. Watch the little envelop icon on top right side of page will be highlighted when they respond.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I sent in a ticket and I put in the wrong pin code or whatever for my eSIM too many times.



what was the exact error message? Depends on the message, you have to ask the PUK code from different places

If it is a Samsung and if the message is "SIM network PIN blocked. Enter SIM network PUK." 
      call  Samsung 1-800-726-7864 for a master unlock code.
      The only info you will need to provide is the IMEI and where the phone was purchased
If the message is “PIN unlock key (PUK)” or "Enter PUK Your SIM  Card, SIM cannot be accessed" or on an iPhone's status bar showing  "Locked SIM"
         open message support here:
          or use this direct link to open Chatbot ticket:
            **Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you 

If the message is "SIM network unlock PIN" or "SIM ME lock code NP" or "SIM not Supported" or on an iPhone's About->Carrier Lock showing "SIM locked"
          You have to ask the carrier where you got the phone from for the carrier help unlocking it.
           (Sorry, for this particular issue, PM support would not be able to help) 

Mayor / Maire

@Knotty gotta wait BUT...which PUK are you asking about. Did you send private message using this link ?...

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