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PST on the payment

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have been paying a 7% PST on the monthly payment for British Columbia, where I began using Public Mobile. However, having moved to Alberta 8 months ago, I believe I am no longer required to pay PST here. Could you kindly advise if there is a continuous obligation to pay PST while living in Alberta? Thank you for your assistance.


Mayor / Maire

HI @JJang 

PM charges tax based on the area code of your phone number, BC in your case

To try to save the PST, you can either:

1. change your phone number to an Alberta number

2. Keep the number but buy voucher from local Alberta stores and top up using voucher.  Tax on voucher is paid when you buy in store, so AB tax will be charged

Mayor / Maire

Edited response.

As already stated below. That means your phone number will need to be changed.

Mayor / Maire

Hi @JJang 

You will continue to pay that PST as long as you have the BC area code. It doesn't matter where you live, it goes by area code.

If you want to stop paying PST you'll have to change your number to an Alberta phone number.

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