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PM downgrade my PLAN ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Not sure what is happening here but all of sudden I hot a warning my data had been used 100%?  ,  first time ever since been with PM ( almost a decade ago lol) yes I had a low data plan but I was offered about 2gb bonus back and that has been plenty for my use. 

yep I have checked my user it says used up about 1gb …where is the other 2gb ? I supposedly had. Did they removed it ? It’s all I want to know .Please ? Also notice in past 2 month I’ve got many offers to upgrade I didn’t took the offers …maybe because of that PM now is punishing me ? Lol comom


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

With data hungry apps that we depend on you may have burned through your allotted and gift data. Just simple google searches, colourful grocery store flyers, credit card balance checks and more  now  eat up more data then in the past. If available to you grab the $19 plan that includes 1GB of data before they possibly remove it also.

@hTideGnow wrote:

thanks @Chalupa_Batman for bringing that up.  I think it is a different cases here.  I still don't think PM will change the plan completely like that, hope we get update from him

With OP, he was more asking where the data gone, at most it is a plan feature got change, which I still very much doubt it

True but he did ask if PM maybe downgraded his plan so... 50/50 here. LOL

thanks @Chalupa_Batman for bringing that up.  I think it is a different cases here.  I still don't think PM will change the plan completely like that, hope we get update from him

With OP, he was more asking where the data gone, at most it is a plan feature got change, which I still very much doubt it

Mayor / Maire

Actually @hTideGnow one of our Deputy Mayor's here, @Hollister reported a few weeks ago his plan changed by itself and just happen to notice the change because he was checking something out. I'm not sure if @Hollister ever found out why it changed by itself.


Mayor / Maire

Hello @Eliete 

Are you talking about the bonus data Public Mobile gave you for removing your Legacy Rewards? If so, that is pretty much expired for everyone now.

Another thing you can do is if you're checking your addons on your account via the PC, go to your browser settings and clear your cache history and cookies then restart your browser. Sign back in and this should be more accurate give or take minus the last 12 hours.

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