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Number transfer

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I transferred my number over 12 hrs now but I don’t have service. Any help? 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I resolved the same issue by resetting the network settings. General > Reset (Click) > Reset Network Settings. 

I did receive and confirm the text requesting permission to port the number from Rogers before doing this though. 

@Dagbe3 wrote:

I only have SOS signal. I chose eSIM when subscribing but I never got any sim confirmation email. Can I change to card SIM?

@Dagbe3   check your Welcome email, the QR code is there

but no worry, message support and they will resend the QRS code to you

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you. I restated several times and removed the old sim and replaced it but it is not working. I will check the other options in the link you sent. Thank you very much 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you. I will try this

@Dagbe3 wrote:

I only have SOS signal. I chose eSIM when subscribing but I never got any sim confirmation email. Can I change to card SIM?

@Dagbe3 - sometimes a restart of the phone can help with that SOS message. If that doesn't help, see other troubleshooting tips here:


@Dagbe3  You can if you wish to . Get a new SIM card and SIM card swap the number like this 

SIM  SWAPPING  profile tabs



Note only do this on lap top or computer/ not mobile device

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I only have SOS signal. I chose eSIM when subscribing but I never got any sim confirmation email. Can I change to card SIM?


@Dagbe3  so, your sim card is showing not connecting to PM network at all? did it ever work?

Try to reseat the sim card once more and see if it connects

If issue persists, no worry, likel it is a sim card provisioning issue , easy fix for PM but you just need to open ticket to engage them.  Please message support here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


Mayor / Maire

@Dagbe3 - was this from another mobile provider? Did you receive an SMS text from them to approve?

If you have activated a new account and transferred over from another provider, note that incoming calls are usually the last to port over.

  • Cell ports can take 2-3 hours. Use the previous provider's SIM card to receive the porting transfer text for approval, within 90 minutes, to port over to Public Mobile and to receive calls from until port is complete.
  • Landline/voip ports can take 3+ days. Expect a mix of services on the landline and Public Mobile SIM card until port is complete.

When the incoming calls stop on the previous provider’s SIM card and/or landline/voip account, that is a good indication the port is complete.

Submit a ticket with Public Mobile representatives (CSA) for help; click this link for issues with transfer/porting of phone numbers over to Public Mobile.

Or, you can try calling the Telus porting phone number, which we are not supposed to post here. So, check your private messages I will send it to you there.

edit to remove duplicates

Mayor / Maire

@Dagbe3  Try rebooting the phone if you haven’t already if no help please 

message support directly

  • while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click >>>here.<<<
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