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Not able to log into my account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hey everybody, 


When I try to log into my account, it says "Page Expired, the page you are trying to access is no longer available."


How do I fix this? I've tried to log in on three different phones to no avail.


Thanks in advance!


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I've tried all these things and it still won't work. I'll try on a proper computer maybe. Only reason I didn't try is because I don't have one.

Mayor / Maire

Try using different browser. Try Incognito mode. Clear browser’s cache. Try forced refresh.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I would first check to see if you are connected to the internet. Perform a speedtest to see whether a connection is established. If not, check settings then turn on data roaming.  When I've had issues, this was turned off. If all connections are made, it could either be lack of funds on your account (no data) or a hardware issue (highly unlikely all three phones could have this issue).


@Brandonzamp66   Try to use the Back button to go back and Refresh.  It might work sometimes


If not, try to use Incognito mode to login and it usually works


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