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New mystery - login in to Community account.problem.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

For the past few days, every now and then my community account page is in French. Because I barely remember any of my high school French, I need to log out and log in again that reverts the page back to Canadian English. My settings are the same as always so what gives?🇨🇦


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

You're lucky - but as I said ---it's no big deal.

Mayor / Maire

Log in, my settings, preference, select English.


It is a real mystery how Some people always have issues with PM web sites while other never experience Any kind of issues?!?!?

@BKNS27 clear cache, relaunch browser and it should work

Mayor / Maire


I’ve noticed in the past if someone posts in French, it would automatically translate in English but it doesn’t do that any more.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yes I know - but it only partially works - I need to log out then login again to revert back to English. No big deal because it doesn't happen all the time -- but this is a new glitch just noticed the past few days.

Mayor / Maire


I've never seen that. On rare occasion, when I log in to my account, PM thinks I'm in Ontario for some reason.

I put it down to just another one of those Public Mobile Mysteries.

Brush up on your francais ami !!


@BEER there is a Francais and English button to the left of the notification button on top, just click that once or twice to toggle between English and French without logging off

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