03-07-2024 05:20 PM
Unlimited Canada-wide minutes and messaging plus unlimited international text and picture messaging.
What is the difference between messaging with text and picture messaging?
03-07-2024 06:08 PM
By golly, you live and you learn everyday. My data or Wi-Fi is always on so I figured that's what makes it work. 😊 you've enlightening me @Phil_Adelphus I appreciate I it. 👏
03-07-2024 05:59 PM
@Sansan Yes it needs a phone with an active sim, You can test it by turning off wifi and data and sending someone an SMS message. It used to be said that they go through the same channel as voice calls but I'm not sure if it's as simple as that these days, maybe someone more techie than me can explain. Years ago you could send SMS's with phones that had no internet capabilities.
03-07-2024 05:40 PM
Ohh? Really? I thought text messages needed 'something' for it to work.
So what makes the text message go? Just the fact that you have a phone with an active SIM?
03-07-2024 05:36 PM
@Sansan You actually don't need a data or wifi connection at all for SMS, just data for MMS.
03-07-2024 05:34 PM
You can send text messages SMS and receive through Wi-Fi or data. With picture messageS MMS you can only receive or send with data on.
03-07-2024 05:22 PM
@Gens Regular texting uses SMS while picture messaging is MMS