06-07-2024 11:49 AM
Hello, last month I have been (automatically) switched to points reward system from previous rewarding program. And noticed I’ve lost my royalty points
I’ve been with PM since 2019.
am I supposed to get 10 points for each year with PM?
Received five points for this automated program switch.
thank you.
06-07-2024 01:03 PM
Depending on which month your annual date is. If it is before May then you will have to wait but if it is after May…it will be applied when it comes up.
06-07-2024 11:55 AM
hi @insitepm1
you were wondering where the autopay/loyalty discount/friend rewards gone? PM has ended that old system and moved everyone to the new Public Points!!
So, now you have to pay full price first and PM will give you back points after. Instead of loyalty rewards monthly, you get 10 points per year on your anniversary date with Public Mobile. Instead of $2 autopay discount, you get 5% of your plan in points.
And the points are useful to reduce the bill. After you got 15+ points, you will go to rewards site to redeem 15 points for $15 bill credit
06-07-2024 11:51 AM
@insitepm1 - Public Mobile made a change on all customers rewards systems, switching people in May of 2024 to Public Points, introduced in January 2022.
You will lose out on:
You will now get with Public points:
You will keep earning these rewards as points:
You should have received an SMS or and email stating the change and you may have noticed some loyalty bonus data in My Account, which is a sort of thanks for your continued loyalty.
You Can redeem Public Points like these: