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Long distances

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Why can't i talk long distances with canada wide talk on my plan


There are a few possible issues here.


1.  Your plan doesn't have minutes available, or not at all ($10, $15, and the  data only $30 plans)

2.  You're attempting to call a number that is geographically long distance and not using the leading 1 (ie Windsor to Sudbury (both in Ontario).

3.  You're possibly typing or using a contact linked phone number that has extra or wrong characters in it.


Finally, if you're out of province (ie you live in Ontario, but you're in Alberta), you'll need to dial long distance to home.

Mayor / Maire

@123456789 wrote:

Why can't i talk long distances with canada wide talk on my plan

@123456789  Make sure you are dialing the correct area code and number. If you just got back from abroad call the number directly not from your contacts.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@123456789 wrote:

Why can't i talk long distances with canada wide talk on my plan

Are you talking about the "Long distrance charges may apply" canned message because you didn't dial 1 before the number? It's safe to ignore. There won't be any charges.

Mayor / Maire

Which plan do you have ?  Do you have limited or unlimited long distance ?



Which plan are you on?  Did long distance work before?  More details may be helpful.


Did you dial 1 - (area code) number ?

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