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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi everyone,

 My account shows that I don't have a balance but it's been paid. The money has come out of my bank account & I have a receipt email saying that it was paid. In the meantime, my phone doesn't work without wifi.  How can I get this corrected?


Mayor / Maire


Here is how your renewal works for future reference :



Plan Renewals

3 days before your renewal you will get a reminder to pay text from pm (611). You will get this text whether you have paid ahead of time or not or whether or not you are set up for autopay. You can use this as your reminder to top up your account.


At or before 9pm eastern on the evening before renewal your account status will change to EXPIRED from ACTIVE as your 30 day plan is about to expire. Unless you have no services this is perfectly normal. You can safely ignore the "You have been suspended" message as it says if you have manually topped up your account or are on autopay.


On the day of your renewal at midnight eastern your plan services will renew and any counters (like data) in your account will reset to zero (0/1024mb). Rewards will be converted and applied to your balance as available funds if you are on the rewards program this does not apply if you are on the points program.


At 2am eastern your plan amount will be debited from your available funds in your balance. If there is insufficient funds in your balance to cover your plan amount the difference will be charged to your autopay card as an automatic top up. Your card statement will show this amount+taxes.


Your payment history will show 30 DAY PLAN....$10 and depending on your plan either your applicable data amount 1 GB OF DATA AT 3G SPEED.......$15  or 3GB/$25 or 5GB/$30 and so on or for the $15 plan the talk portion 100 Minutes Canada-wide Talk.......$5.


If an automatic top up and/or the plan/data/minute debits/credits do not show in your payment history by 2:15am eastern* you have likely suffered an autopay fail. You will have until 6am eastern to make a manual top up and reactivate your plan. If reactivate does not take your plan amount from your balance then briefly suspend your service via lost/stolen.Log in/out. Resume your service. This forces the payment and the transactions will show up in your payment history.

*The only way to tell if renewals are delayed and you rely on autopay to pay your plan amount would be to manually top up your balance and try to force payment via lost/stolen. The payment system will not debit your account balance your plan amount before renewal occurs across the board. 


At 6am eastern any account  that has not paid for their plan amount in full will have their services suspended or if its been 90 days these accounts will be cancelled and deactivated and lose their phone number. Active accounts will change from expired/suspended to active status. Occasionally this process is delayed up to 6 hours or so....check your transactions in your payment history for confirmation. When renewals are delayed and your account balance and/or autopay card has not been charged this will delay service (account) suspensions by the same amount of time.


At noon eastern you will recieve two texts from 611. The first confirms your rewards were successfully applied to your account. The second confirms your plan has successfully renewed. Not recieving the second text indicates an autopay failure. **The rewards text now arrives 12 hours later at midnight eastern....this is a known glitch that pm has yet to fix. (I will confirm and edit what if anything points program customers recieve at midnight.)


It is my suggestion that before and after renewal you screenshot your overview page and your payment history in case their are any anomolies that need to be addressed like your data counter not resetting. If you like to keep detailed records and you are computer savvy @LurganIeUk has an excel file to export your account history to....send him a private message if this interests you.

Autopay failures can happen....if this concerns you in any way then always manually top up your account before renewal and it guarantees you will never suffer an autopay failure. Then you can leave autopay as a back up plan in case you forget to pay manually before renewal.


Welcome to public mobile!


Welcome to the community! Whenever you have questions come here first. We are always happy to help!

Mayor / Maire

Thats normal, PM is prepaid so they put your payment towards your next 30 days so your balance is 0 and you have actoce service for next 30 days and then youbdo it all over again 

Mayor / Maire


Try refreshing your account or logout then log back on. 
If your balance is showing 0 then it means that you owe PM nothing and you are up to date if your renewal date was today.

You can also check in your View Payment History, change dropdown menu from 7 days to 30 days and there is a column for debt and the other column for credits with your payment.

Then reboot your phone by holding down the power button and power off, wait 2 minutes and power back on.

If you only put in enough money to start your plan, after you pay for the plan your balance will be zero. If you want to see how the money was spent.....look in your My Account “transactions”. 

Mayor / Maire

@DebL   Zero balance means the payment went through, so nothing to be concerned about.  Good to hear your phone is working now.

Hi @DebL 0 balance,  but what is the account status?  what is the next payment due date?  that can confirm if the account was renewed successfully 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks for the info! I rebooted and it works now but my account still shows 0 balance, which is weird. 

Hi @DebL you said phone not work without wifi, is it just Mobile Data with problem?  Voice working?


Login to My Account, what is it showing for account status?  Active or suspended?

Mayor / Maire

@DebL    If your payment went through, then your phone service should be working.  WIFI is not part of PM's sevice but is useful to conserve plan data, so you want to use WIFI when you are home but need data when out of WIFI range. 


What plan do you have and what service is working and what isn't?


edit:  Another thing, log into your self serve account and make sure the payment went through or if you see the Reactivate option (top right of overview page), click that a couple of times and reboot the phone.  You could also select the payment tab and top up the account with $1 and log out reboot the phone.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The payment date was yesterday June 11. I did the airplane mode thing but without wifi it won't do anything without a balance, right?

Mayor / Maire

@DebL   First try rebooting the phone or toggling airplane mode on/off.  When was your payment date?

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