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Is self selecting plans as required considered

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



I think that it would also benefit PM if they would allow existing customers to select available plans up or  down as required. By allowing us to try plans of higher value  PM would also gain additional funds from us. Some of us may or  may  not stay with a higher price plan and opt to switch back down to an available lower priced plan. Others may again choose a higher priced plan in the future . So even if some choose to switch down PM would still retain the accounts as opposed to forcing customers to look elsewhere for more affordable priced  plan  providers.


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Send a message to CSA, hope they have a clear answer for you.

Mayor / Maire


You can do that now on your account. You can upgrade or downgrade a plan to change on your renewal date (not switch NOW).

But you are restricted to plans available on your account and not plans for new activations.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yikes - there is so much confusion-  I wish that PM would make it clear what is allowed and what is not. 
Until it becomes crystal clear I’m going to hold on tho my existing plan and make do. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


As far as I know most customers on $34 plan can downgrade to $30 plan only, they can’t downgrade to $23 or $19 unless someone proves otherwise 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks …Since two members here advise that downgrading is possible then I was previously misinformed and led to believe that only upgrades were possible. My renewal is next week so I’m going to select an upgrade to the $34 plan . Keeping my fingers crossed that if I later choose I can downgrade again. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Some plans are for new activation only. Check to see what is available to you when you login (not just viewing the shop page).

What ever is available to you as you are logged in you can move up or down to. The only thing is that the plans change all the time. So if you do change to a plan, next month the old plan you had might not be available anymore.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Am I sure to what?

Yes, you can downgrade, someone else in this thread even said so themselves. But obviously as I do not have access to everyone account, I can not speak for everyone.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That’s interesting- from other posts here  I was led to believe that only upgrading is possible. Just to make it clear before I make a mistake—- if I upgrade to a $34 plan I would have the option to downgrade back down to say a $23 or even the $19 plans?????

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Are you sure?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

The relationship between Customer and business / provider should be short term dating not a long term marriage.

Don’t marry with any business, find what suits your needs and go for it.


We can opine about what is best for us all we want.  The best way to to make it happen is to vote with the wallet and do what is best for yourself.  The unrestricted marketplace is the best platform for price discovery.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

For the most part I think PM is very similar in price to other providers.

What plan are you on that they do not allow you to downgrade? Maybe you are already at the lowest level, As I think many people so have the option to go to a lower plan.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

as you know we are just customers like you, better for you to send PM the message directly

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

From a customer perspective,  that makes total sense for sure. From the business side, in my opinion,  the loss of clients who actually closes their accounts and move elsewhere is minimal.  So they don't loose much, and gain plenty. For everyone that leaves, they gain twice as much.


This is not unique to public mobile,  every company in every sector does this.

Mayor / Maire

@Wayworn  So long as the plan is offered in your account your free to upgrade or down grade plan . Currently I’m on the 50GB $34 plan but have options to upgrade and one option to downgrade to 15gB $30 plan which I could probably get by with and save $4 a month 

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