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Iphone XR - No Cellular Data Network Error

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a new iphone XR. unlocked and was set up to use PM from start. The phone plan has 4.5 GB data over 3G. Data worked fine up up to March. Now can't use data. Checked usage and not running over.  So ruled that out.  When cellular data is switched on, a notification to turn on cellar data pops up. APN shows

Have done the following to try and fix:

Reset network settings, hard reboot done, soft reboot done. turned airplane mode on/off. Basically done everything except restore phone settings. Just want to make sure it's nothing on the PM side. How do I know it's not from PM end? Has anyone encountered the same issue?  


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello sir/ma ,

Please what's the username and password of the APN on my iphone XR ?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@tara14 have you had any luck getting your data flowing?  Can we get a brief update?

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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Hello again; This is just an audition to my previous post. Here are some links to the Apple site that may help. This one explains how iCloud works and how much free storage space you will have after creating an iCloud account. This is free! The 2nd link is the iCloud login page where you can access iCloud from your web browser.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Hello there; I would like to provide you with some advice that may help that you haven't already tried. I'm going to try to make this as simple as possible, but there is quite a few steps that you need to try in order to make this work. 1 you need to go to the Apple iCloud register for an iCloud account, just basically your email address and a password if you don't already have one. 2 upload all your data from your phone to the cloud, or alternatively make a backup of your phone onto your computer using iTunes. 3 once step 2 is complete you can then remove your Sim card and reset your phone to factory defaults. Once your phone is set to factory defaults you should power off your phone. Put your PM them card back in the phone and power on. 4 follow the prompts on your phone to set up your Wi-Fi network. 5 click on the settings app in your phone click on the general tab, then updates to make sure you have the latest update available for your phone. Once the above 5 steps are completed, you can then go to your iCloud account and pick and choose what you want to retrieve and reinstall on your phone contacts etc. PS if you try to restore your information from your computer it may reinstall the problem that you're currently having! I hope this works for you and I wish you the best of luck to resolve this I am quite sure that something in the information I've provided you with will give you a different perspective on your situation. Best of luck

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks, tried this as well and no luck. Will call iPhone support tomorrow. Thanks



How to Reset network settings on Apple iPhone XR
  1. Tap on Settings from the Home screen.
  2. Next, tap General.
  3. Scroll down to and then tap Reset to continue.
  4. Select the option to Reset NetworkSettings.
  5. If prompted, enter the correct passcode for your device.
  6. Then tap the option to confirm networksettings reset.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks again for the help.  Unfortunately under cellular data network , only apn, user name and password are listed. And reset. That's it. The apn is not editable. Reset doesn't seem to do anything either. 

The link to Apple support sent by will13am mentions if apn settings cannot be modified, to contact the carrier. Any other ideas?

@tara14 wrote:

thanks for the quick response. i cant find those settings. how do you get to them?

Try this.

@tara14 wrote:

thanks for the quick response. i cant find those settings. how do you get to them?

Go in SETTINGS and CELLULAR and CELLULAR DATA NETWORK. But perhaps you will not be able to see that..but you can reset your settings here. You will need your wifi password after resetting.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

thanks for the quick response. i cant find those settings. how do you get to them?

Mayor / Maire

@tara14 wrote:

I have a new iphone XR. unlocked and was set up to use PM from start. The phone plan has 4.5 GB data over 3G. Data worked fine up up to March. Now can't use data. Checked usage and not running over.  So ruled that out.  When cellular data is switched on, a notification to turn on cellar data pops up. APN shows

Have done the following to try and fix:

Reset network settings, hard reboot done, soft reboot done. turned airplane mode on/off. Basically done everything except restore phone settings. Just want to make sure it's nothing on the PM side. How do I know it's not from PM end? Has anyone encountered the same issue?  

@tara14 is used for when setting up a hotspot. You need to select for data. Check and make sure you select


Name: Public Mobile
Proxy: Leave blank
Port: Leave blank
Username: Leave blank
Password: Leave blank
Server: Leave blank
MMSC proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
Authentication type: Leave blank
APN type: default,mms,agps,supl,fota,hipri
APN protocol: IPv4
APN roaming protocol: IPv4
Bearer: Unspecified
MVNO type: GID
MVNO value: 4D4F

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

borrow a known good phone to see. If PM SIM works on the borrowed phone, your XR has problem.

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