Hey there; Just an extra piece of advice I could add to my fellow PM advisor. Yes you should contact a monitor, keep in mind it could take 24 to 48 hours. The other option is to wait 1 to 2 hours if you've had multiple attempts at resetting your pass...
Hey there; I have a couple of questions, I would like to ask you prior to providing you with possible solutions to your issue of logging in. 1 assuming that you created your account properly, have you received any confirmation emails from public mobi...
Hello there; Friendly advice that I hope will help make your situation better. I have read the messages that some fellow PM members have written, I am not certain as to what your situation is other than been overcharged for services you're not receiv...
Hello there; I hope the information I'm about to share with you helps you to resolve your issue with your current provider and allow you to transfer service to public mobile. First of all, you should never feel silly about asking a question regardles...
Hello again; This is just an audition to my previous post. Here are some links to the Apple site that may help. https://www.apple.com/icloud/ This one explains how iCloud works and how much free storage space you will have after creating an iCloud ac...