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How to use Loyalty Data??

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have a fairly new plan with unlimited data, how do I use up the loyalty data that I received a month ago


@hairbag1 wrote:

@Handy1, @hTideGnow 

OP has a plan with Unlimited data...his question was how to use the free data !  He'll never actually run outta regular plan data.

Unforutnately, the answer is how in some cases, the add-on can't be used at all.   These data add-ons that were given out in conjunction with the upcoming change to points for all customers are supposed to increase the amount of faster speed data, even for customers with plans that include unlimited data at reduced speeds.  In practice, what has happen is a situation that caused the add-ons to show up in the some accounts as "incompatible".  

Even more stranges is how I've personally seen this add-on as compatible (as an active add-on) on a $40/60GB unlimited data at reduced speeds plan, but I have also seen screenshots provided by some Community members on different plans that show that the add-on is unusable/incompatible.

The only actual solution would be to change to a different plan that doesn't include unlimited data at reduced speeds (or perhap's some customers might get lucky and this data add-on might work on the $40/60/GB plan), but when changing, it would be important to note that the plan change would need to be to a new plan that either has the same price or is priced higher.  The only other thing would be to contact a customer support agent to complain about this.

The way that that this add-on is showing as incompatible for some customers has been mentioned by the Oracles to Public Mobile.  Hopefully, Public Mobile can provide some type of update or make a correction to make the add-ons work for all.


@hTideGnow wrote:

HI @Lcocam 

you only have 150 days to use them.  You have unlimited data, but those "unlimited" are just 512Kbps.  With this loyalty data, after the regular data are used up, the loyalty data will kick in and give you full data speed.  So, they are better than the 512Kbps data. 

This is something that I asked Public Mobile about.  What you've described is what's supposed to happen, but unfortunately, a mistake was made somewhere along the line.  

@hTideGnow wrote:


the unlimited is just 512kbps, that 512 data is set to kick in after regular (full speed) data are used.  With the legacy bonus, it will kick in instead of the 512kbps data after the regular data (full speed) data runs out

Gotcha...I wondered how that would work. I re-read the notification of the Bonus data and didn't see that mentioned. Hopefully that's actually what happens.

added...this is all I could find on that subject...

How is my bonus data used in relation to my plan’s data?

Your plan’s data is used first. Once that’s depleted, your bonus data kicks in.


the unlimited is just 512kbps, that 512 data is set to kick in after regular (full speed) data are used.  With the legacy bonus, it will kick in instead of the 512kbps data after the regular data (full speed) data runs out

Mayor / Maire

@Handy1, @hTideGnow 

OP has a plan with Unlimited data...his question was how to use the free data !  He'll never actually run outta regular plan data.

Mayor / Maire

@Lcocam  It wont kick  in until you  used up your plan data bucket first . But it will expire in 150 days anyways . But to just purposely burn thru it you can do speed tests and watch video in high def like 4K should do the trick 

Mayor / Maire

HI @Lcocam 

you only have 150 days to use them.  You have unlimited data, but those "unlimited" are just 512Kbps.  With this loyalty data, after the regular data are used up, the loyalty data will kick in and give you full data speed.  So, they are better than the 512Kbps data. 

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