08:37 PM
- last edited on
01:39 PM
Hi everyone,
I was wondering how does the reward system in this community work?
is it by answering questions or by commenting/helping etc
edited by computergeek541: miscategorized
08-30-2022 12:00 AM
It is a secret formula closely guarded lol, but if you jump on here even once or twice a week and contribute a little you should have no issue getting 1 or 2 points/dollars and every little bit definitely doesn't hurt.
08-29-2022 09:33 PM
Make the search bar your new best friend. Nearly every question asked has been asked before so they are easily searched for the answers. If there's a green check mark beside the question then there's been a solution awarded. If you read several threads that offer the same solution for the same question you will know that is likely the answer. Then you can post with confidence what you think the answer is. If you are pretty sure but not 100% sure of your response just add "I believe" that this is the answer.
If you are wrong someone will likely correct you and you'll have learned something new. You may need to edit your post and indicate the edit to correct what you have posted. That's all par for the course.
The community tries their best to provide a solution that a customer can perform themselves and avoid having to contact customer support. Our goal is to only direct the customer to contact customer support if it's absolutely necessary. Usually this is if it's an account related issue like needing a credit or an add on removed for example.
A great piece of advice I was given when I first started was "Google is your friend."if you can't find a possible solution by searching in the community posed the question to Google and that will often lead you down a path of discovery of a possible solution. There are many questions I have answered with the solution on a subject I know nothing about or do not understand. Which was just about everything when I first started. But by searching Google and doing a little research I have found unique solutions to unique problems. And gained a lot of knowledge along the way.
But start out as you have be the one asking the questions and seeking the solutions. And eventually you will switch to being the one posting the possible answers for solutions. Often many of your posts are questions themselves to the OP (original poster) to get them to give us more information or details about their problem. Such as the make and model of their phone or the operating system. Or the steps they've already taken to troubleshoot their problem or such things as your plan that they are on or when they join public mobile. It is a combination of all these things that helps all of us find a solutions to customers problems.
A lot of advice about earning community rewards for when you're on the point system give back points can be searched by putting community rewards in the search bar. It doesn't matter if you're earning points or $$ rewards the way you help and contribute on the community is the same.
As explained public mobile takes a combination of your contributions based on posts, bravos and solutions in their secret formula the tabulates the community rewards. The top 50% and top 25% rewards are fairly easy to earn. The top 10% takes a regular effort. The top 5% and 1% are quite literally a full-time job! And only oracles receive the highest reward of $20.
Welcome to the public mobile community! I hope to see you hanging around on a regular basis.
08-29-2022 09:09 PM
here's some light reading to help you figure how the PM Points program works.
If you come into the Community Forum often, you'll see folks post questions that perhaps you can lend some advise to. Even just provide a Bravo to someone else's response that you find helpful too. You can also award someone a Solution that best answers your query when you post a question.
If someone posts a question that you feel confident in providing some answer or direction...just jump right in an give it a try. Who knows...you might even be awarded the Solution.
Best advise is to come here often, sit back and follow a discussion until you're confident you can contribute constructively.
Nobody here knows everything so we all help each other. That seems to be the philosophy here at PM and that keeps our costs down as no need for paid customer support answering the phone for those questions that we can help with.
Eventually you'll accumulate enough Points to apply against buying add-ons, phones or other swag. You can also use Points against your regular plan costs.
Eventually, you could get 1 - 15 Points awarded to your acct.
08-29-2022 08:41 PM - edited 08-29-2022 08:44 PM
You will get discounts on your monthly bill if you participate on this Community.
You will need to give recommendations/solutions to other members problems.
There is a $5, $10 or $15 discount based on how many Bravos, Posts and Solutions you received from members. Only Oracle members will get $20 discount.
You will also need to give up your full time job to contribute on this Community. 😉😆
08-29-2022 08:40 PM - edited 08-29-2022 08:42 PM
Community rewards are awarded based on your contribution (time spent on community forums) measured by thumbs up/messages/solutions you receive.
answers, questions you need to receive community rewards.
Spend time reading posts, asking questions and responding when you know you can help and you will likely be rewarded,
Once a month, Public Mobile will review its statistics and reward customers who have contributed in the Get Help section of the community forum. These figures/statistics are reviewed monthly as new data.
Public Points (1-20 points) labeled as "Give Back" here for more information: https://www.publicmobile.ca/en/on/get-help/articles/Public-Points-Rewards
How to Use the Public Mobile Community - Community
08-29-2022 08:39 PM
Give-back (Community Rewards) are awarded by your contribution (time spent in the Community forums) measured by bravos/posts/solutions you receive.
There is no set /written limit to how much time, bravos, answers, questions you need to be involved in to receive community rewards.
Spend time reading posts, asking questions and answering when you know you can help and you will likely be rewarded!
Additionally, you could contribute for one 30 day period, get rewarded; then the next 30 day period it resets, so you would need to continue to contribute for any rewards to be given on a continuous basis.
But if you take a break, no worries, just come back when you can!