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How do I get my old phone number back?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The system suspended my service due to non-payment on September 3rd but the payment was supposed to come out to the 4th of September. Do to u forseen circumstances I had no choice but to create a new account with a new number. How do I  cancel the new account. Transfer the funds that I put on the new account to the old account which is the same price? Contacting customer service is totally not easy on this app just saying.. HELP ME


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you very much I just messaged 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you for your time as I just message them

Mayor / Maire

HI @Mattyg1234 

PM cycle is 30 days, and the cycle date is confusing. 

if it shows you last cycle was Aug 04, 2024 - Sep 03, 2024, then Sept 3 is actually the renewal date, not 4th

why you need to create a new account? wyou can simply login to the old one and pay and resume service

with your situation, I think you need to contact support agent to sort out the 2 accounts.  Please message them

Mayor / Maire

@Mattyg1234  You cannot transfer number from one PM account to another . You need to make payment on your old account o keep the same number . I’ll leave you a direct link to support to try and straighten out and cancel your new account hopefully they will reimburse you , best of luck 🤞 

send  a  private message   To CS_Agent

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