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Hey all, what am I missing here regarding the new loyalty program?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have a $39 plan currently for 20GB @ 4G speed, with unlimited canada-wide minutes and unlimited international texting. My understanding is we lose $2 for auto pay plus our loyalty bonus of $5 dollars. I also have a few friends on so I get another $4 bucks a month, making my $39 dollar plan only $28 bucks a month. Great deal and value! 

With the new loyalty plan, my savings is only the refer a friend and points I can apply every so often but monthly cost is basically $35? Why would I not just move to Luckymobile for $29 a month, all the same options (bonus right now of an extra 5GB making it 25GB a month @ 4G speeds. 

$35 vs $28 ... I don't get it, why would I stay with Public Mobile? Anyone? 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hello, yes I too lost my $2 autopay and my $3 loyalty rewards.

For me, a person who’s been living solely on disability since 2009, essentially in poverty, (with a severely complicated medical/health life & disabilities, who needs every penny, but also needs a phone for many doctors, specialists, tests, hospital appts, etc), this $5 discount every month was quite significant. These days $5 can’t even buy me a 4L jug of milk.

But, as I said, I do need my phone, & Public Mobile still does have a few good benefits compared to other companies. What bothers, or rather, confuses me is, if they’re going to make themselves an extraordinarily humongous amount of money, (which they’ve done, let’s be honest), by taking away every single one of their customers financial rewards ᜶ discounts, why can’t theyⵓ

🄐 Be A LOT more generous & fun w/the NEW reward system that they’ve FORCED upon us (I mean, maybe it’s just me, but this ❛Catalogue❜ we *get to* shop fromⵓ ❛BORING❜, 〚why not add (for example)ⵓ phone cases, sim cards, screen protectors, small,  fun, *reasonably* valued, or even better, discounted items〛, Plus, currently, it’ll take  *years* before customers can afford to *buy* from it, given the %᜶speed of points earnings; and 

🄑 If they’re going to take away every customer’s $$ discounts, the very least that they can do is to honour the promises made reⵓ the new points system & making *a tiny bit of* the $$ losses up to us in *points*, ie.〚✚ THIS is my BIG QUESTION〛, that we customers were to receive upon the startup of the points system, 10 points᜶year for each year of our loyalty ❛to date❜, ie. I, myself, had earned $3 loyalty rewards, having newly reached my 3 years, in Jan᜶Feb 2024, so I fully expected that I’d receive ❛30 points❜ⵓ ⓐ to make up for losing my $3 rewards; and **most importantly**, ⓑ as ❛points rewards❜ earned **for my ❛3 years of loyalty❜**!! These points were never received by me, and I would guess not by many other customers as well.

My QUESTION ISⵓ How do I//we go about getting those earned, missing, & well deserved, public points, or whatever they’re called?? Does anyone know how one manages to obtain missing points from Public Mobile?


@mark38 If they aren't profitable, they lose investors, they won't be in business, and there's no product for you to purchase. You can loathe  corporations and the wealthy all you want, but just remember they are not charities; they are here to make money.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Be grateful they offer anything? Why did corporations achieve similar rights to individuals. To keep shareholders happy? Majority of the stock market is owned by the wealthiest 10%. Screw the corporations.

Yeah it's a great deal! Just make sure to change it to take effect at next renewal rather than now, as you won't get any prorated refund for unused time.

Make sure to turn Data Roaming on on your device as well. And set your Preferred Network to 4G vs 5G when in the US, because if you connect to AT&T 5G it won't work (only AT&T 4G and T-Mobile 4G and 5G work).

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Where you been all my life?! I had no idea they added this. Thank you! I spend enough time in the US that this is a deal breaker, thank you again!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Just gonna put it out there... Public Mobile has given customers great rewards all this time, and even though its changing for better or worse, its still something they aren't obliged to offer. Other companies don't have these things from what I can tell. Sure it may be full price up front, then redeem accumulated savings, but its nothing new. Most retail point reward systems work like this. Just be grateful they offer anything at all.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

You can get 25gb for $29 a month, Canada wide if you look around...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Winter_Squall wrote:

Just my own two cents for what it is worth. PM is doing nothing other than what I would expect any business to do. Be more profitable. It is clear they feel they are leaving money on the table with the old program. I wouldn't both reporting them to CRTC or gain media attention. It is, as it also has been, vote with your feet but I do with them well as I have been extremely well served by PM over the past number of years (been with them for a very long time). 

"leaving money on the table" is one of those BS comments that really doesn't mean anything. If it was actually costing them money, that's one thing but if it's trading some revenue for loyalty that's very different.  There were many ways for them to tweak the old program that would be less intrusive than what they are doing.  This makes me think that they are just trying to get rid of low revenue customers followed soon after by their low priced plans.

Mayor / Maire

@Winter_Squall Off topic, but if you're paying $39/20GB I would strongly suggest changing to the new $39 plan which has 60GB and includes use in the US!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Exactly, why stay. It's a clawback and as one poster mentioned a 15% increase for some. Calculated the changes to my $25 plan and it amounts to a 17% increase. Summary: good while it lasted but its time to have a look at what other providers are offering.

@Winter_Squall   From their website "Important: Lucky Mobile does not offer international roaming".  The group MMS thing was less clear (to me anyway).  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Yup. I'm one of the many pissed off customers being forced over to points. I just hit my 5 years this month - and now I loose all of that loyalty. Pretty sure that if I hadn't just been able to change my account to $34/month, I'd be shopping. But also - not sure what will keep me from shopping in the future. That $7 off a month is what has kept me with Public for 5 years. That now goes to maybe $30 a year that I have to log in to use? I have no incentive to stay anymore.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just my own two cents for what it is worth. PM is doing nothing other than what I would expect any business to do. Be more profitable. It is clear they feel they are leaving money on the table with the old program. I wouldn't both reporting them to CRTC or gain media attention. It is, as it also has been, vote with your feet but I do with them well as I have been extremely well served by PM over the past number of years (been with them for a very long time). 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'll check into the "outside Canada" as it is the Bell network so it would be shocking but great call Phil. I'll also take a peek at the MMS piece. I appreciate the feedback.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I suspect that many disgruntled PM customers will be right behind you.  This is effectively a significant price increase for those on the less expensive plans. For example, $15 plan with autopay is $13, so a 13% discount. Removing that autopay discount is effectively a 15% price increase.  I wonder if there is any merit to making a complaint to the CCTS?

Mayor / Maire

@Winter_Squall   From what I understand Lucky Mobile does not work outside of Canada and if I read correctly there may be charges for group MMS (their blurb was a bit ambiguous on that).  So if either of those are important to you, you might want to check on that before switching.   

Mayor / Maire

As long as there will be no dropped calls, service interruptions... why not. Gotta go where you can save $$

Mayor / Maire

@Winter_Squall  Yes so you will lose the $2 auto pay and $5 loyalty 

this will be replaced by 5% back in points in your monthly spend and once a year you will get 10 points on your anniversary date . You will still get 1 point for your friend referrals . But now you have to wait until you have 15 points to redeem $15 off your phone bill . This change will effectively cost you $50-60 year more 

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