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Help Linked Email Was Changed Without My Knowledge. Can''t access My Account, Pay or raise Ticket

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Public Mobile is inaccessible if your linked email is changed by someone.

On sunday, for first time I get message my account credit card expiry date just lapsed and I had $5 owing.  My account was immediately suspended.

I immediately went to pay *611 but could not both my email and pin have been changed.  No way to contact anyone live in Public Mobile to correct.  My phone is suspended and cannot do anything. 

Need to close this $5 owing,  update my credit card expiry date, and correct the email and pin.

Chatbot cannot do this. Does anyone work at Public Mobile? Need to talk with someone.


@HelpLinkedEmail, I understand you are frustrated but it sounds like you have been given the best way to contact customer service here.  They do not call you there is no number, you will need to follow a link that was provided to you.  With other providers do they call you (I know some have call back feature but you must reach out to them first) and how often have you been dealing with a customer service rep within 2 minutes of calling?  Here at PM it is done all online, so instead of calling a number and waiting on hold for who knows how long, we send a trouble ticket or private message and wait for them to respond.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

@Meow wrote:

There is NO point staring new topic if you already asked the same question.

PM has NO LIVE support, period. NO number to call and chat. Everything regarding account issues is done through personal mail and tickets. All other help is provided by very knowledgeable and helpful customers in this Community.

To Contact CSA-agent:
Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -
Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.
If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here
Agent’s response is usually between 15 and 120 minutes with a ticket. Private messaging might take longer.
Watch for envelope in top right corner of Community page. It will show Number of unread emails.

Meow there is live support just not a live chat, and it is done (right now) through private messages not personal email


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have used the customer service link a few times in the last couple of days since setting up my account. With each inquiry I was dealing via private message with the same person. The issues were handled in a timely manner and resolved quite quickly. One of the issues was quite complicated and we went back and forth over the course of a few hours with me being asked to do things and report back. 

Well at least now we know you've seen a reply to click the reply button. Do you not see the link below what I wrote? And the many others that we all have been giving you? Did you click on one? It takes you to a form like an email and it already has the username to send to. All you need to do is optionally type a subject and then in the bigger box you type your message.
Then you wait to see a red number above the little envelope in the upper right next to your gift box avatar. (You might get an email notification in your email (or not maybe in your case). That's just a notification. Come back here) You click on the little envelope and then you get a column on the left with a bolded item from CS_Agent. You click on the subject line of that item that will show the message to the right. Below that on the right will be another text box that you can reply to them.

Adding - I should say this is on a non-mobile browser


use this link to message to PM support (CS_agent) directly

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

PRIVATE MESSAGES >> HOW and to whom do I write a message to get this resolved

@HelpLinkedEmail , several people gave you the link to send a private message to a CS_Agent (Customer Support Agent) in your 1st post called “Help Linked Email Was Changed Without My Knowledge. Can''t access My Account, Pay or raise Ticket” that you created that you even replied to before you created this post! It is still the same answer as in that post. I will give you the link again below.

You can send a private message to a CS_Agent: ->

Customer Support Agents are available from:

  • Monday to Sunday: 9 AM to 10 PM EST

A CS_Agent will respond back in your Community mailbox at the top right of this page (envelope icon to the left of your community avatar).

”We are all Customers here that help each other when we are able to but we do not work for Public Mobile!”


There is NO point staring new topic if you already asked the same question.

PM has NO LIVE support, period. NO number to call and chat. Everything regarding account issues is done through personal mail and tickets. All other help is provided by very knowledgeable and helpful customers in this Community.

To Contact CSA-agent:
Ticket has to be opened through chatbot -
Just type ‘ticket’ and follow prompts. Having a ticket is preferred way to contact agent as they might respond faster then receiving personal mail.
If opening a ticket does not work very first time, contact agent directly: send a private message to the CSA - agent by clicking (Ctrl+) Here
Agent’s response is usually between 15 and 120 minutes with a ticket. Private messaging might take longer.
Watch for envelope in top right corner of Community page. It will show Number of unread emails.


The format of PM is done all online so you can communicate with an LIVE agent through private messaging by clicking on the envelope icon on your computer.


Are you reading replies from your other questions? There is the private messaging system available to send messages to support. No, there is no talking verbally to anyone. The chatbot ticket system is broken.

Go here

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Plenty of suggestions that are actually not a solution, that should be handled in 2 minutes by a Public Mobile Support Representative.  Troubling!!  Please help.

Public Mobile is inaccessible if your linked email is changed by someone.

On sunday, for first time I get message my account credit card expiry date just lapsed and I had $5 owing.  My account was immediately suspended.

I immediately went to pay *611 but could not both my email and pin have been changed.  No way to contact anyone live in Public Mobile to correct.  My phone is suspended and cannot do anything. 

Need to close this $5 owing,  update my credit card expiry date, and correct the email and pin.

Chatbot cannot do this. Does anyone work at Public Mobile? Need to talk with someone.

Did you use the link that was provided in that reply earlier? It should work fine for you. It's like an internal email system but it's not really email. Nobody is going to contact you. There is no phone number to call.

This one

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Cant create ticket on this community email.   Again is there no  way I can contact through chatbot.  Someone needs to get in touch with me directly.  Again does anyone actually have a contact number at Public Mobile?

Thanks for the suggestions but there is not a solution without some representative of public mobile actually contacting this client.

@HelpLinkedEmail yes , you can message support using the new community id.  Just provide support the details and they can help 

Yes, when you explain to them that it's all a giant confused mess then you give them verifiable information from the account that only you should know so they know you have the rights to the account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cannot raise a ticket on my original account as the email was changed.  I created this new email so i can talk to the community. 

Can I raise a ticket on this new community email that has no phone number?



please use your current account ( @HelpLinkedEmail )!and message support.  They can help you to link back your My Account and assign you back the old Community id if you want to

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I cannot raise a ticket on my original account as the email was changed.  I created this new email so i can talk to the community.  



PM just changed to a new EverSafe login system 

It could be that the migration missed some accounts

please open ticket with support and they can sort it out quickly 


**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there

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