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Going to United States

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Im going to the states for 2 days. I just want to beable to use my phone if I need to for emergency. What do you suggest I get for a add-on



Mayor / Maire

@LLR  Pick one of the following. My recoomedation is if it's just for emergency pick one of the $8 add-on.




Not applicable

@LLR wrote:

Im going to the states for 2 days. I just want to beable to use my phone if I need to for emergency. What do you suggest I get for a add-on


For just 2 days use a wifi voice program. You can receive texts and calls without an add-on too. Just not outbound.

Mayor / Maire

@LLR wrote:

Im going to the states for 2 days. I just want to beable to use my phone if I need to for emergency. What do you suggest I get for a add-on


You need a U.S. roaming add-on. There are different combos available if you need talk, text, data, or any combinationm of the 3.  All last for 10 days.



If it is just for emergency, maybe just the US roaming talk.  


If you need text and some data, the combo roaming package is what I usually use when I travel to USA for $20.  


U.S. Talk, Text and Data Bundle
Unlimited Talk, International Text and 250MB Data for just $20 for 10 days.
U.S. Talk and Text Bundle
Unlimited Talk and International Text for just $15 for 10 days.
U.S. Talk Only
Unlimited Talk for just $8 for 10 days.
U.S. Text Only
Unlimited International Text for just $8 for 10 days.
U.S. Data Only
250MB Data for $10, 500MB Data for $15 and 1GB Data for $20 for 10 days.

Mayor / Maire

It depends on what you need.  You can purchase a $20 bundle that includes talk/text and data.

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