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First $5 of $25 Refer a friend not received yet, anyone else?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


We have three accounts in our family, 1 just set up during this RAF promo actually. We all referred one person and should have received the $5 bonus today, but I only see it on only 1 of the 3 accounts. Anyone else know they should have received it but didn't yet?


Mayor / Maire


I'm happy to hear they applied the full credit without question. It appears if you are unlucky enough to get the glitch of it not automatically applying to your account initially it isn't ever going to apply so a one time credit is an acceptable alternative. I'm glad my patience has paid off for others.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

As an update, the promotion didn't correct and auto post the next month either. I put in a ticket and they applied a one time $25 credit so I am ok now, fingers crossed promos are applied automatically in the future for these accounts at least.

Mayor / Maire


Unfortunately you might be waiting a while but read the resolution I received today to decide how you move forward with customer support. Please see below.



Thanks for planting the seed of the extra five bucks I often give Public Mobile pass and even $5 is letting them off easy but there was a lot of back and forth over the last three and a half months to finally get the full credit for myself and my referral. See below.


Mayor / Maire


Well if they fixed it they certainly didn't fix the one from the May RAF promo. Time to submit that private message to customer support on my issue.

@darlicious wrote:


You can determine when the referral code was applied by your Cha-ching least within about 24 to 36 hours. The cut off time to recieve midnight eastern text seems to be 6pm eastern the previous day but I can't say for sure.




Totally mishandled by PM. No Cha Ching which we all know is hit and miss. BUT the phone number did show in My Rewards immediately. No $5 RAF on the Friday after Sep 2. So obviously the case presented to the CSA was after September 9. Appears that first CSA put codes in manually to make it work and then semi misinformed that the credit “might” show on my payment coming up in the next couple of days. $5 RAF did not show and then back to the CSA (a different one) that tells me, will be the first Friday next month, being October. He kept quoting “terms of the offer”. So in my opinion I will go along with, but feel that I was short changed by a malfunctioning system that was upgraded on the 8th, just one day before the first payments of the 5 x $5 RAF. What can I far any CSA experience has always worked out....but some are not that good with customer service skills. DARN should have worked as my friend and I did our parts right!!!



Mayor / Maire


You can determine when the referral code was applied by your Cha-ching least within about 24 to 36 hours. The cut off time to recieve midnight eastern text seems to be 6pm eastern the previous day but I can't say for sure.



I was given several excuses including "credits are still being applied" but obviously by the 4th month with no credit "that excuse does not apply." I was also told I missed the deadline because it was before June 6th and I sent the CSA the email that states by 11:59:59pm eastern on June 6th 2022 along with a screenshot of the time of activation and the accepted referral code/promocode page from activation. (I've learned to document everything.) I also pointed out that the referral activation that I did using the bf's referral code that occurred nearly 6 hours after mine at about 7:30pm pacific has recieved the $5 credit as per the schedule.



I agree it should not be this much work to get the credit. And seeing as I'm a regular and used to the glitches and the ins and outs of public mobile if I feel put out I can only imagine what a new customer feels in this regard. I have taken on my referral's customer support inquiries as it relates to mine but for most this would be onerous for both the referrer and the referee having to constantly stay in touch with customer support looking for a credit of $5×5 months.


To be honest I gave them (pm) the benefit of the doubt and waited a month for it to be applied on the following month with the assumption that if it did not get applied or if it did apply correctly that at some point I would have to ask for at least one $5 credit to be manually added to the accounts. I didn't expect that by the time the fourth credit had been applied on schedule for nearly all referred customers during the promotion I'd still be looking for the first $5 credit to be applied to my account and my referral's account.


By an unusual circumstance my referral who happens to be a minor had an issue last month and ended up coming up $5 short of their plan payment and without the ability to add the extra $5 and confounded by the 2FA verification needed to access the account. So I was able to get a goodwill gesture $5 credit applied to the account so it could be reactivated. So that much I did appreciate and so I won't ask for an extra $5 for myself as I do understand or rather except the glitches that do occur with public mobile but as a new customer an extra $5 credit is certainly warranted if you wait more than 1 month for your first credit to be applied.


It still bewilders me that they didn't just apply a $5 manual credit and then triggered whatever code or inputted whatever they needed to get the rest of the $5 referral credits applied in their scheduled manner. This is the first time I have ever encountered a high percentage of customers not getting the credits as they should be applied. But of course when does public mobile ever roll out something new and it goes without a hitch? Very, very, very rarely.....🤔


I will be contacting customer support today and ask for a $25 manual credit to be applied to both of our accounts because I am not counting on all of a sudden everything fixing itself in another 3 weeks. I will update both my thread and this thread if that happens.🤑

Mayor / Maire

What I have been since advised. 

If your referral worked properly you saw the first RAFs on Friday. 

If you required assistance after September 2 then your FIRST payments will be the first Friday in October. 


Some CSAs are better and more informative than others. I will remain bewildered until the first Friday of every month x 5. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mgenn  Thank you for the update. If customer support agents say they are still applying the credits, which doesn't make much sense to me, then I might wait a few more days before I submit a ticket asking about the missing RAF bonus credit in my account.


I had a suspicion that my theory about the "RAF August $5" being limited to users who activated in August was misguided, so I'm glad you were able to clear that up for me by providing a new data point with your friend's activation on September 2nd. Otherwise, I would have waited until October before realizing that I still haven't received the RAF bonus credit yet.


@darlicious  Thanks for the heads up.


(Sigh) You submitted your ticket in June and it's already September, and they still haven't resolved the issue. It's almost like they're testing your patience to see if you'll keep following up on the missing RAF bonus credits, which is ridiculous. If PM screwed up, they should fix the problem. There's no reason this needs to be dragged out for four months, unless they don't want to honour the promotion, in which case they could have simply said you weren't eligible and be done with it. Instead, you're being left high and dry waiting for them to do the right thing.


I suspect you're not the only one in this predicament. It's frustrating reading about it and knowing that I'll need to do the same thing in order to get my RAF bonus credits. Seriously, you shouldn't have to spend this much effort trying to get PM to honour the terms of their promotion. It's relatively straightforward. If I were you, I'd ask PM for a $30 credit rather than a $25 one, with the extra $5 being an "inconvenience surcharge". They can certainly afford it.


@CountyDownIeUk  Are you be able to contact the person who used your referral code recently? If so, that might help you narrow down whether they added your referral code properly during activation OR if your referral code was manually applied by the CSA.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I did submit a ticket and they mentioned that they are still applying the credits, not everyone has received them yet. I wonder if they have a list of issues to still work through. So, I will wait a week or two and submit another ticket if I do not receive it by then, which is fine with me. I am in no rush, as long as we don't miss out entirely. Thank you everyone for your help!

I have contacted a CSA. 


I had 1 email on day 1 of the promo, and another a couple of days later, from PM:

1 with a referral code (of mine) to use

1 with a more generic use any code

Both messages to the same email address. 


I gave out a code that was NOT the one in the first email. 

CSA says code has been applied and both friend and I should receive the 5 x $5. 


What is not for sure....was the code applied properly when the referral was used during activation or did the CSA just manually apply it an hour ago?


I will confirm tomorrow if I see it. And I hope that the next 4 are automatic. 😀



Mayor / Maire

@mgenn @Patchio 

I think the two of you are stuck with the same problem I have except mine is from the May RAF promo. My referral received their $10 bonus referral credit however neither of us have received any of the $5 credits as of yet and I have had a ticket open since June 7th.


So both of you will have to contact customer support and ask them to open a ticket with the tech team when they come to a resolution I have no idea. All I do know is now that four out of five the $5 credits have been applied I will ask them for the resolution to be that they just add a $25 credit to both of my account and my referrals account. I was just waiting for Friday to pass and now I'm going to ask for it because we've waited long enough. So good luck I hope they figure it out eventually but I don't know if they ever will if they haven't done so in 4 months.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you for sharing your similar experience.


Regarding the dates, the one account that I did get the $5 in, the referred friend activated right on Sept 2nd. The $5 RAF in my account still says August, so I believe that kills the may get it in October possibility.


Now I am wondering though, as you are right, only my one email address received that email. My other two are under nother emal addresses. The 2nd account I have had for over a year and had received the refer a friend email in the past to, but not this time.


The email does clearly state open to all existing customers though. Hopefully a glitch, I will submit a ticket tomorrow and report back when I find out. I hope it works out for you in the end too!


Offer says

Refer-a-Friend bonus will be available today until September 2nd to all existing customers

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@mgenn  I'm in the same situation as you. I believe I should have received the first $5 of $25 RAF Bonus credit, but I didn't receive it yet. 


I activated an account on September 1st using a friend's referral code, but they were under the impression that all three (3) of their existing accounts were eligible for the $25 RAF bonus offer, so they gave me a referral code that wasn't specified in the RAF Bonus offer email from PM.


In My Account > Payment History, I see the usual $10 Reward RAF Bill Credit on September 3rd, indicating that I used a referral code successfully, but nothing since then.


@hTideGnow  posted a screenshot of the $5 credit in their account, and the credit is listed as "RAF August $5" on September 9th. I'm only speculating here, but perhaps users who activated in September would only see their first credit some time in October, as it would be listed as "RAF September $5", who knows?

Customers must use their unique referral code. Limited to one credit per customer. Offer ends September 2, 2022 11:59PM EST, referred customer must activate by that time.

Ok. You said you referred one during the promo. So that's one $5. You're done. That's why I'm confused. And I'm still not clear. When were all these accounts created? The promo was for between Aug 15 (that's when I got one email) up to Sep 2.

@mgenn   I think you were doing it right for using different codes


And from last couple times, I think all $5 were deposit on the same day.  So, I would just open ticket with PM Support.  


Let us know how it turns out


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

We should be good there, it was three separate referral codes used. We had two accounts to start, mine (#1) and one child's (#2) Account #2 referred sibling, so now #3 account. Did not receive that bonus yet which should be a given, they are both my accounts, I know they are both active.


Account #1 referred a separate person - I did receive this $5.

Newly created account #3 also referred a separate friend, no $5 for this one either.


So we are 1 for 3 right now and hoping the process is not completed, which is why i am wondering if anyone else is still waiting. If not, we will reach out to support.

Mayor / Maire

Not quite clear. The promo was for only one referral. You could do multiple referrals but the referrer would only get 1 $5. So what is the exact way you went about doing all this?

Adding - we have to just run off to the support people for every little thing? A chronology of what the customer did here would be useful. They even said they did one referral during the promo. So that means they get 1 $5. Maybe there isn't even a question to be placed.


@mgenn   many have received their first $5 earlier today.  I am not sure if that is the end of it or PM will give it out in stages, but it worth to open ticket with PM Support to confirm if you are eligible and if they missed you:


1. If you have access to My account: At

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there


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