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File a Complaint

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@Mitchell114 Awesome. And thank you for being so forthcoming with details.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you all. I have resolved my issue.

Mayor / Maire


here is some contact info for or 1-888-221-1687're supposed to start the process by seeing if your concern can be addressed by the service provider (Public Mobile). Let us know your complaint and maybe we can help.

Mayor / Maire

For what @Mitchell114 ?

Details are  everything.

Here’s the link for the CCTS complaint site:

Bear in mind, they’ll expect you to have attempted resolution with the company first.

Mayor / Maire

Or do you mean to the telecom complaints department? Good luck. The telco's seem to be in their pockets.

Mayor / Maire

@Mitchell114  you need to contact support to file a complaint. We here are just customers like you trying to help . Hers how to contact customer support 

private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV



Mayor / Maire

@Mitchell114 - curious, what seems to be the issue?

We are all members like you here. So if you need public mobile representatives (CSA) then submit a ticket to them. Ways to contact Public Mobile Customer Support (CSA) below:

1-Normally Faster - use this link to: Get Help With Public Mobile Chatbot], also found in various places in Public webpages, and bottom right corner of the page (See the Chat Bubble), 

2-OR, go to your ENVELOPE at the top right of your Community Account which is where your Inbox and Sent messages are. Select the orange/peach color box with the pencil inside it to start a new message.  Type CS_Agent in the SEND TO box. This will create a private message to Public Mobile Customer Support.

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