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Fake calls

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am getting fake calls for my number that I am called them


Mayor / Maire

@satinderB, you can do what I do!?

When a phone number calls you and you don't recognize that number, answer it like a business. Typically, I will answer it say it's Telus or Apple. I repeat it again, and tell them this is a business line and ask them if they would like a phone plan. 

What happens, they hang up. They call back again, and I answer the same call and state the business!  Then they say sorry, and never call me again for 6 months or longer! 

1. Get your contacts up to date.....everyone you know. 

2. Block and block and block

3. Keep your contacts up to date...

4. And caller with no name in caller ID.......beware


DNC registry is a waste of time.  If you like a warm a fuzzy feeling....sign up. But don’t expect callers from outside of Canada to respect it and keep in mind there are exceptions from Canadian callers that don’t have to abide. Spend a buck and buy some cranberry ginger ale for the warm fuzzy feeling. 🤪


Weirdly after I got 10 spam calls all in one day I got mad and programmed my declined calls to Lenny and have not had a single call to send to Lenny!!🤔🤞

Lenny has been busy already LoL...


Although I wouldn't necessarily block it because it is a legitimate number they are spoofing. They don't keep calling you from the same spoofed number. First you will get the spoofed number call then the real owner of the number calling back your spoofed number. If you don't want to talk to them program your busy/declined to one of the numbers offered by @Nezgar  such as "This number is equipped for outgoing calls only." message.


Or have fun with Lenny when the first spoofed number calls you....

Not applicable


never call back just ignore them and deleted and blocked...

Honest, changing phone number is not useful.  As I said , they are not really targeting the caller id they spoofed, they are targeting the receiver end.   


E.g, if they want to called something at 519-221-0022 , they will spoof the caller id as 519-221-1234 , and it might happen to be your number.  But again, the intention is not for you, they were just randomly generating any number in that area code+exchange.  Intension is to fool the receivers thinking it is just a regular caller and NOT any kind of telemarketers (those with numbers in nice pattern or 1-800 numbers)    There is really not that they like to use your number more often then other 9999 phone number


All provider are supposed to do something by end of Nov.  Let see if this will really "kill" this practice , or at least lower the number


We (CRTC) asked telecommunications service providers to implement, by 30 November 2021, the STIR/SHAKEN framework which is a caller ID authentication and verification measure. It aims to certify the extent to which a given caller’s identity can be trusted. This will empower Canadians to determine which calls are authenticated, thus reducing the frequency and impact of caller ID spoofing on consumers.



Somebody is spoofing your number. Spammers most likely.

f you get a lot of 'calls back' you can either block those call back or change your PM phone number.

Mayor / Maire

@satinderB wrote:

I am getting fake calls for my number that I am called them

@satinderB   Unfortunately, sounds like your number is being spoofed by spammers/scammers.  Not much you can do other than explain to anyone enquiring about the spoofed calls, or don't answer. 


As mentioned already, you can change your number for now (4 changes per 30 days allowed) which might help, although for how long, impossible to say.


@satinderB   no worry.. it's soemthing call Caller ID Spoofing.


Very common these days, nothing you can do.


And I don't believe changing phone number for that.   You got new number and people might still do it.  They do that is not to target on yourself.  They are more target on the receiving end.  They want to pretend to be a "regular" number for the receiver so the will pickup the call

Mayor / Maire

@satinderB wrote:

I am getting fake calls for my number that I am called them

If you can change your Public Mobile number to a different PM number.

Log in to your account and under My Profile, click Change Number.

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