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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was with you guy 7 years ago I really liked the services I don't know I stopped using you guys.


What the difference between esim and the physical sim card


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My phone has esim which is alot easier then having to buy plastic sim card and your not polluting the earth l.


@dust2dust  but I know @Handy1 still wants his all eSIM iphone 15 LoL

@hTideGnow- Handy1 and I will be the last stubborn ones standing with our antique phones rocking a real sim card until our devices are no longer supported for updates. 🙂
But no stinking iphone for me.

HI @dust2dust 

but the phone manufacturers might be all eSIM very soon and you have no choice  😞

Mayor / Maire

They all come back 🙂 Maybe you left to get a subsidized new phone. Maybe this place did something you didn't like and you took off in a huff 🙂

I also prefer a physical sim. Until all providers can add, remove, move, keep alive, give away with the same ease as a card then I'll stick with the card.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Shadow36 


But my suggestion, if you do not need eSIM, stay the old way.  



@Shadow36 you dont need to change to eSIM if you don't need to

eSIM is something inside your phone to replace physical sim card.  Some new phone are eSIM only and no longer have the slot for a physical sim card.  It is convenient as you don't need to go out and buy a physical sim card if you want to activate quickly

On the other hand, with physical sim card, you can easily move it to another phone to test or when you have a new phone.  With eSIM, you have to pay for a new eSIM each time you want to move to another phone or even if you have wiped the phone  

Mayor / Maire

@Shadow36  E sim installs on your phone if compatible  device . Physical sim you can take out of one phone and put in another phone . Me likes physical sim best to be honest 

Adding with physical sim you buy it once and switch it between phones . With eSIM you need to buy a new one every time you changed devices 😞

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