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Deactivation Date

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hello Community, does anyone know if the deactivation date on a suspended account shown is the one mentioned or is it the day before?  For example, if the account says deactivation date is May 5th, is the last day payment can be made May 5th or is it the 4th. 


Searching through earlier posts has been confusing as there are suggestions that the deactivation date maybe wrong so thought I would ask here before going to support personnel.  I'm aware of the general advice about making payment earlier to avoid losing the number but I do want to know what the real deactivation date is because of conflicting information from past posts.  Thanks.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Sorry to hear that you were unable to pay on time and lost your account which must be very stressful.  I hope Public service reps were able to help you get back your number and account?


I will make sure I top up my account a day or two before but I'm unlikely to wait until after midnight as I will most likely be asleep and the computer goes off long before that.  I find the screen at night time rather annoying unless it's quick messaging on my phone.  Thank you for the warning to not to leave it to the last minute. 

Mayor / Maire


I recently ran into this issue with an unfortunate result. Previously deactivation was known to occur at 6am eastern on the deactivation date or later if renewals were delayed (YMMV). At the end of last year I safely reactivated a couple of accounts in the wee hours of the morning on the deactivation date. However I was reactivating an account logging in at midnight eastern and in the middle of paying I was logged out and then denied the ability to log back in because of unscheduled maintenance. Since the card on file could not be used (and cannot be changed via 611) I went out to try reactivating via instant top up (or RTP/real time payments).


After discovering that system was down I proceeded to purchase a voucher and with self serve still inaccessible proceeded to use 611 to top up and reactivate but it was too late.....? The account had been deactivated sometime between 12:04am eastern and 4:54am eastern despite renewal payments not yet debited from accounts. I suggest you reactivate at the latest just after midnight eastern the day before the reactivation date ( so you enjoy an entire 24 hours of service on Day 1 of your new 30 day cycle.) Payments made thru the 611/IVR system will automatically reactivate your account as long as it is not suspended via lost/stolen.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks for the replies everyone.


I understand the need to be careful and not leave it to the last minute and I don't plan to but find it a bit strange that Public Mobile doesn't state the exact last day for account to be renewed so there's no confusion for their customers.

Mayor / Maire




Even the Customer Support staff may get this wrong, so don't rely on a prior note from them suggesting something when we all know that different CSA's may give different interpretations of these dates.   


So as a general rule of thumb ALWAYS presume that when they give a date that something is gonna happen, that it may happen at at any point on that date - even at the stroke of midnight.


So with that, given the frequent issues with self-serve and/or 611, when tempting fate on the last hours/minutes, remember Darlicious's experience and ALWAYS do what needs to be done at least 1/2 a day BEFORE the date indicated.


At least that's what I'd do....

Mayor / Maire

Why tempt it? Just be safe and do something at least the day before. The servers are in Toronto so it's all in eastern time. If there's some kind of problem then even the day before could invite trouble.

Mayor / Maire


Normally it is the night before the date but remember that the time is EST so if you are on Pacific time. ESt is 3 hours ahead.

Mayor / Maire


be careful of the wording. "deactivation" is when the plan goes 89 days past last renewal day 90, that plan is Deactivated ...which means that account is closed permanently. You'd need to get a new sim to start a whole new account, you'd lose whatever Points or Rewards that account had accumulated.

Whereas, Suspended account means your regular account has gone past renewal and is waiting to be renewed for the next 30 days of service. A Suspended account has 89 days to be Reactivated. You know what happens at day 90, huh !!   🤔

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@statusquo the members of PM community are the customs of PM, so nobody will know what is the exactly deactivate date.


@statusquo , I think it is the day before.  Remember the day starts at midnight eastern time.  

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