11-22-2024 09:37 PM
Changed plans about 2 months ago, for more data, but even when my plan renews it says I have used all my data
Any suggestions
11-30-2024 08:50 AM
1GB but I bit the bullet and subscripted to a plan with 3, we will see what happens
Puzzling that data was never an issue in all the time I have been with pm, over 5 years
11-30-2024 08:49 AM
Thanks for the info, It just is puzzling that this issue should now be happening after 5 years of no problems
11-30-2024 08:48 AM
I don't have the app, and I clear the browser, can't understand having this issue after over 5 years without a problem
11-30-2024 08:46 AM
I checked on my phone data usage zero, I am so puzzled that this came up years later, never a problem before
11-22-2024 10:05 PM
hi @Jackie_kelleher did you check the data tracking screen to confirm how much data used?
or Reset Statistics on the data tracking on next cycle so you can compare the data usage better the phone's tracker and PM's tracker
11-22-2024 10:01 PM
1 GB more than I had with the previous plan, I never ran out on my previous plan, now all the time, another friend said she is getting the same notifications saying her data was used up
11-22-2024 09:54 PM
Hey @Jackie_kelleher
This happens often with the app and online. Public Mobile has had a cache issue for a long time and can't seem to fix it. Cache issue is basically your browser or app read the last time you used it and thinks it's accurate. The way to resolve it, at least online, is to clear your browser cache and restart the browser. You'll have to log in again and once you do, that should resolve it. If I remember correctly with the app, if you're on Android, you can go into the app settings on the phone and clear the cache. If you're on iphone, I think you can be on the page that tells you your data usage and then pull the screen down from the top to refresh it. Give those a try.
11-22-2024 09:39 PM
@Jackie_kelleher Might just be cache issues check again with new web browser and use incognito mode / private mode and try again or check from another device . Can also try and check with the public mobile phone app also and check
11-22-2024 09:39 PM
hi @Jackie_kelleher did you mean you still used up all the data monthly now?
how much data you have on your plan?