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Changed Plan to $102 / 90 Days - Overcharged and No Service

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So, like mentioned in the subject above, I literally switched from a $35 / 30 day plan to a $102 / 90 day plan on renewal date a day ago and was overcharged for the 90 days. My rewards weren't applied. I did not see anything that stated that my rewards wouldn't be applied, especially since I am paying more upfront for mobile service. 


In addition to that, my calling services are totally broken now. Incoming calls are all coming in as private number. And when I try to make a call out, I get a message telling me that my phone isn't activated on the network. 


I've been with Public Mobile for years now and haven't had either of these two issues before. What is going on? Help. 


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Ah, already done that. I guess that is the only way. 

@MKLBlacKey  You can use this direct link to support 

send a  private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Odd. That isn't how it worked for me before. Rewards were always tripled if one were on a 90 day plan. 

I have rebooted my phone multiple times now. Updated everything. No change.  

How long does it take a Moderator to help out with this? 

@MKLBlacKey  Yes after completing the 90 days , if your coming from 30 day plan you only have 30 days worth of rewards to use towards that next renewal . But after completing the 90 days you will have 30 days x3 for that following renewal . How it worked for me at least anyways 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I don't get it, because the rewards should still accumulate every 30 days, of which there are 3 instances of 30 days when changing with a 90 day plan. I used to be on a 90 day plan a while back and it definitely wasn't like this. 

Mayor / Maire

@MKLBlacKey  first try to reboot the phone and It’s normal to start 90 days plan only have 30 days worth of rewards to apply towards it to start . After you complete 90 days on new plan your following renewal will have 30 days x3 rewards to apply to the following renewal 



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