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Can't sign in with this ridiculous new site

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I consider myself a pretty advanced user, yet I am having trouble signing into public mobile site. I noticed that they are making a lot of changes and the site is extremely buggy. The issue I am facing is as follows:

After I enter username, password and OTP I get redirected to the public mobile home page. I can't figure out how to access the portal to view my plan, usage etc. Further, when I tried to come to the community forum, it automatically recognized that I am logged in and asked me to create a new username for the community. Previously I had a different username for community, but it looks like they want to merge the identity of the account holder and the forum user.

Please help


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Here is the response I received. Looks like they have no solution for my problem because my problem might be that my EverUnsafe id is not linked yet. Does anyone have any other suggestion?

Hey Community,

We are working very hard to resolve errors some of you are facing when logging in or creating a new ID. For Eversafe ID specific issues, our agents are currently unable to support a fix. Please hang tight until we provide an update. 

In the meantime, please try the following temporary workarounds: 

  1. Try clicking "resend" to get options for email, SMS and voicemail (this workaround only works if you have created your Eversafe ID)
  2. If you are copy and pasting your code, delete the last number and type it in - the button should no longer be greyed out
  3. Some individuals facing this issue are entering incorrect e-mail and/or password: please retry your credentials or attempt a reset
  4. Updated 5.26.23 1:55PM EST:  Potential workaround (for some): If you don't have access to SMS OTP, try entering an incorrect OTP code 4 times. For some individuals, this is giving the option of an email instead.

We will post as soon as we have resolved the issues. 


Mayor / Maire

@black_panther - I would suggest you don't let the message go unanswered for too long. If you don't hear back this afternoon, poke them again about it this evening and again in the morning (if it takes that long before you get a response).

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I didn't know honestly how to contact customer support, i have never had the need to contact them except once when there was a problem with my billing at that time they completely ignored my request and since it was merely a few dollars I didn't bother myself. I just assumed that customer support doesn't exist or is not worth talking. But this time since I am pretty much locked out of my account I need to contact them again. I used the link from the post by @softech and sent them a message. Let's see if they are able to fix it.

Mayor / Maire

I use id and pass and Never have issue signing up. Plus signing up from computer only...

Mayor / Maire

@black_panther - ridiculous, Yes. And the hoops customers are expected to just 'get' or go through. 

Edit, did you know you are talking to other customers like you here, you may, I couldn't tell from your post. But sooo many others do not know this. If you don't know this, are you familiar with how to contact customer support other than reading the response to your posts, or do you think it should be more obvious? 

Mayor / Maire

@black_panther  If you are trying on website maybe try in app . Use your email and tap forgot password . Code will be sent to email verify it create a new password . Log in again with email and password send code to phone verify it and you should be logged in . As for your old community ID please contact support to fix that 

Message support directly

  • while your already here and logged in the community you can send a private message   To CS_Agents click >>>here.<<<


@black_panther  for the old Community id, you can get back, it is an easy fix for them.  Please open ticket with support by messaging them directly

For access to My Account, look like they have not linked your My Account with your Eversafe ID yet.  Did you got to a stage asking you to link My Account and will send you a text to your phone?

Again, no worry, all these can be resolved, please message support:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there


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