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Can't access account

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, I can't access my account through the app or the website. I got through the login process and get stuck on the loading screen. Is this a me issue or an everyone issue? Ive tried closing everything and reopening it, but no luck.


Mayor / Maire

@Brilhad , try now. My Account webpage & Public Mobile app is working for me now! It is still a little slow but much better!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Looks like the site has finally crashed. 400 and 404 errors. May it RIP.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

will the deal be extended? 

@Brilhad wrote:

I have automatic payment set up I just need to update the card on file while it's still on my mind.

@Brilhad   In that case it might be better to purchase a voucher as we don't know how long it'll be before access to the account is available since the system is overwhelmed today. 

There's also online voucher sellers like but they do charge a small fee for the convenience.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

This tells me they're using virtual machines. They may need to bring down some machines (if configured that way) to add CPU or RAM. They probably have enough I/O bandwidth. That's not usually a problem with hosted VMs.

If they're running this in the cloud the solution is the same and will require similar measures to hosting on VMware.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have automatic payment set up I just need to update the card on file while it's still on my mind.

@Brilhad    You can pay your account with a voucher by dialing 611 on your phone and then enter the PIN, or if you have a registered CC/debit card on account but you will need the PIN to pay with the CC.

Vouchers are available from SDM, London Drugs, Canadian Tire or Shell.

edit: @Brilhad  to clarify, for CC/debit card payment via 611 requires the 4 digit PIN set in self serve.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

See this kind of thing from the other side of the fence of sites many times before. It boils down to dollars spent on computing resources.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have it scheduled through public, the issue is the card on file is about to expire. I just need to update the card info so my account has the new card on file.

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

@Brilhad Hang tight! The team is working quickly to resolve the loading impact asap. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Automatic payments help. You can either schedule this through Public Mobile or set up a recurring payment schedule with your bank. Saves a lot of grief.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Brilhad the site has been down for roughly 3 hours. Too many people are probably trying to access the site and it caused a crash. At these great new plan rates, you can't really blame people lol

I would check back in a bit and try accessing your account again a little later on. Hoping that it loads for you!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I got a notification to update my payment info as its going to expire. I just wanted to do it before I forgot and missed a payment  😞

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Their website is slow. Probably a database starved for resources. I work in the IT business, have been for approaching 50 years, and have seen this many times before. One or more of their machines are starving for resources (CPU, I/O bandwidth, or memory, or a combination of them). This is typically because the site has been undersized. Given that they're offering Black Friday deals and people are taking advantage something has gotten to almost the breaking point.

When sites run out of memory the operating system will kill off the largest process. We end-users see this as a crashed website.

They failed to size the site properly.

Mayor / Maire

@Brilhad wrote:

Hi, I can't access my account through the app or the website. I got through the login process and get stuck on the loading screen. Is this a me issue or an everyone issue? Ive tried closing everything and reopening it, but no luck.

@Brilhad , many of us are not able to load our My Account website or Public Mobile app.

A CS_Agent said: 

“We are aware that there are issues with the website and the access to the self-serve profile.

That is due to the launch of the new plans.

The Tech Team is aware of the issue.

I suggest that you wait until tomorrow and try again.

At the moment, the website has issues due to a high volume of users.

I hope that tomorrow the website is running properly”

Edit: As soon as I am able to get My Account page to load & the Public Mobile app to I will update you here! Sorry. 😞


Mayor / Maire

HI @Brilhad 

patience is the key, server is probably overloaded because of the good deal.  I don't think it is going away yet, not for another day for sure.  Wait and try again later tonight 

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