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@CS_Agent in our Community

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@CS_Agent in our Community

When I signed up I forgot to add the Public Mobile code of the friend who referred me to this service. Can I add it now before I've actually completed my subscription? My SIM card hasn't arrived yet so haven't made the switch yet.


@hTideGnow , this is why the Customers are even more confused than usual! I feel bad for them, they have no clue where to go when the chatbot is broken & the link for help from a CS_Agent is wrong! I have reported this issue more than once! Even on one of  J_PM’s post! I think they have a list theyre working on! 🤣

Thanks @LitlLdy 

weird, they can either just ask them to ask question to the community with that link or properly give out the message agent link 

@hTideGnow wrote:

it is interesting why so many people use @ CS_agent on the subject line.  I don't remember so many doing this before


@hTideGnow , theres a link in the chatbot that says send a private message to a CS_Agent in out Community here which sends them to the Community & not to a private message to CS_Agent!

If you have any trouble with this link, please reach out to our agents by sending a private message to @CS_Agent in our Community here.

My Guess @hTideGnow the Get Help articles dropped how to private message CS_Agents, like with the visuals of how to do it. I think this is a mistake. Methods to contact Public Mobile should be Front and Center, imo! And none of us should even be telling customers how to contact them, cause it should be obvious - and IT IS NOT. 🙄

Mayor / Maire

it is interesting why so many people use @ CS_agent on the subject line.  I don't remember so many doing this before


Mayor / Maire


Please note that CS_Agent staff doesn’t come on this Community so you don’t need to tag them.

Mayor / Maire


no worries..once you receive the PM sim card, then you'll start the Activation process. At that time is when you can add your friends referral code.

Mayor / Maire

You have to activate your service first.

If you forgot to ad referral code, ask agent to add it for you.

Mayor / Maire

HI @ActingUp   so, you have activated a service or not? you don't put in the friend referral code when you place order with the sim card, you put in when you activate

And your sim card, how long you ordered? sim card order can be as many as 3 week.  But if it has been 10+ days, please submit a ticket with PM cs agent:

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You can try messaging CS_Agent, but it is most likely not possible. 


@ActingUp   yes, no worry, if it is a honest mistake, PM usually able to add it back.

Please message them here:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there
oh, you have not completed the subscription? you need to add the referral when you subscribe/activate
For sim card, if you are still waiting, message them for update
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply to you there



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