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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well to say I'm disappointed is an understatement. After switching to the point rewards and making a complaint, I was finally given the information that was supposed to be there beforehand so I had a better understanding of what it entailed. In retrospect I never would have opted for this and stayed with the old program. The rewards that are offered are little, skimpy handouts that could almost be given away as gifts. There should be lots more offered as I'm sure most of us have been loyal customers for years. Sorry for the long note but I had to get it out. If you have something negative to say, please at least do it with some understanding and try to make it reinforcing to my beliefs here, har har. Cheers.

EDIT- I was also wondering if there's more info about rewards for participating in the community. How does it work and how I actually get points etc.


@will13am wrote:

It has been mentioned over and over and over in the community to discourage those on the legacy reward system to changing over to the new points system.  There are huge losses in loyalty and auto pay rewards.  

Unfotunately, for most part, the change to points only benefited the and shareholders.   When a  company makes a change such as this, the amount revenue that would be lost from unhappy customers is compared the increased amounts that customers end up paying.


it's called 20 - 20 Hindsight !!  🤓

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hairbag1 @Thanks for understanding! That's exactly what I'm gonna do. The CS_Agent actually said in his message my "questions and research" were commendable lol. Too bad I couldn't have out that to use before. Have some reading and learning to do!


we all know the feeling ! Best is to keep looking in on the Community Forum form time to time to keep up with the latest issues that affect our plans. (Maybe you can earn some Points by contributing your experience to another unsuspecting PM user)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hairbag1 I'm not saying it's not a complete possibility and mistake on my end but I really don't remember. And since I've been involved yesterday I've been receiving emails. That's all, just needed to vent and hear some opinions about it. It's entirely plausible I could have avoided this altogether and just not done anything, (don't fix it if it ain't broke) 


could be that you turned OFF or declined receiving Notifications or emails from PM, when you started your account.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@will13am As I just posted below you, I was not aware any of this existed and never recieved emails


It has been mentioned over and over and over in the community to discourage those on the legacy reward system to changing over to the new points system.  There are huge losses in loyalty and auto pay rewards.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I understand that and it would have been great if I had known about this platform beforehand. I just got it yesterday and never recieved an email about any of this either.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Handy1 That does look great and all and I guess the badges will let me know my standing, hope it's really worth it. Thanks.

Mayor / Maire

Info regarding Points was posted by PM way ahead before actual switch and presented all 'benefits' of Points.

Then there was lengthy discussion in Community regarding pro and cons old vs. new rewards.

I do understand your frustration but any decision require some research and switching to points is irreversible, unfortunately. And if you opt out of Point then you will not have ANY rewards.

Mayor / Maire


don't feel too bad about being lured into the Points sure sounds appetizing until it isn't. As you found out, there's no going back once you're in to Points. Best is to see if you can encourage friends or family member to switch their cell preference to Public Mobile. There's a great range of cell plan product to choose from that are competitively priced now.

Mayor / Maire

@Camshaft1  I’m sorry you didn’t fully understand the differences between old rewards  and new point system . But the point system still has it perks that old rewards don’t . For example you can buy add on with points . And they sometimes have phone draws with points . This is exclusive to points only and not old rewards . But for community rewards which are still the same value as the old rewards . Here’s my opinion on it 

By participating , reading and helping others with questions . And learning and sharing and good things will happen 


ranked chart here 




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