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Bonus data

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have these bonus data offers. How do they work?  How are they activated?





@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

if you have a, for example, a 50GB data plan with unlimited data at throttled 512kbps speeds, I believe the bonus data will keep you going at full speeds and not throttled until used. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

The above isn't correct.  In the case of a plan with unlimited data at reduced speeds, those add-ons won't do anything (they wouldn't be usable).

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

That’s great!  Thanks for the info. 

@Dave1001  It will last until you use it all up , no expiry 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks. Is there a time limit to use it in or does it last until it is used up?

Mayor / Maire

Hey @Dave1001 

I have a ton of those over the years. Depending on what plan you have, for example 50GB data bucket, the bonus data will start once you hit 50GB. Now someone here will have to remind me as I think I'm correct but eh, it's the weekend so....  if you have a, for example, a 50GB data plan with unlimited data at throttled 512kbps speeds, I believe the bonus data will keep you going at full speeds and not throttled until used. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

Mayor / Maire

@Dave1001  They will automatically kick in once you have used up your regular plan data 

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