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Account suspended

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Why has my account been suspended?



@Sleonhard   You have Autopay setup?  Was yesterday the renewal day?


It could be Autopay failure.  Login to My Account, if you see account status showing Plan Expired, and your service is still working, then it is not really suspended.  PM is still renewing the service, so just wait


However, if it shows clearly that account status Suspended, then go to Payment page and try to make a manual payment using "Other (Enter the desired payment amount option)" and manually enter the plan amount and pay that way

Nobody here.would be able to know the a answer to your question as you're mainly only communicatung with other customers by posting a message here.  Usually, an account goes into suspension when a payment has failed to be made in time to renew the plan.  However, if your service is still working, the error messages displayed in your Self Serve account mean nothing and can be ignored.

Mayor / Maire

Is today your renewal date? If it is, it's part of the renewal process. Best advice is to stay out of your my account until you receive a text or until early this afternoon. If this is not your renewal date, or your service is not working, best to put in a ticket and get them to reinstate it and ensure it doesn't happen in future cycles.

Mayor / Maire


Do you still have services? If yes, this could be your account going through the normal renewal process. The SELF SERVE account can say "expired" or "suspended" on the day of or before your plan is due to renew.

So, if this is the case, ignore these messages on your SELF SERVE account.


If you have no services, and it is past your renewal, maybe your autopay failed?

Add Funds, manually, to your owing amount or more, through SELF SERVE (or by calling 611 if you have a card registered), then select to reactivate/resume services if it does not automatically do so.


If your plan still does not reactivate / resume and it shows $0 owing, try adding a $1 top-up payment. 

Or try

  1. Go to “Plan and Add-Ons” TAB
  2. Select "Lost/Stolen Phone" TAB
  3. Select "Suspend Service" BUTTON
  4. Then, Select Resume/Reactivate Service
  5. Log off your account. Log back in. Reboot your phone.


If this was an Autopay failure, I would let the Customer Support Agents (CSA) know.

And, also ensure all rewards were or will be provided to you.

Methods to contact the Customer Support Agents (CSA):

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