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Accidental phone number change

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I somehow changed my phone number how do I change it back to the original?


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Vicki2 wrote:

It was a new activation through Public

Your cancled PM number is still in the Telus number recycle waiting pool. Only moderator can access your account.  Create a support ticket using the ? button at the bottom right corner of this page to get your old number back.



Not applicable

@Vicki2 wrote:

It was a new activation through Public

Then the moderators could very likely recover that for you.

How would one do this accidentally? There are confirmations along the way.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It was a new activation through Public

Mayor / Maire

@Vicki2 wrote:

I somehow changed my phone number how do I change it back to the original?

I believe this is solely moderator work, Go meet the deceptively simple Simon (?) At the bottom right of your screen. Submit a ticket to the moderators via Simon. Just ask for a moderator and choose from the suggestions and wait for a private msg over the next few hours....2 days.

Mayor / Maire

@Vicki2 wrote:

I somehow changed my phone number how do I change it back to the original?

@Vicki2  The only way would be to submit a ticket to the PM moderator team ASAP.Submit a Ticket


Mayor / Maire

@Vicki2The only people who can fix this issue is to contac the moderators by clicking on the ? in the lower right hand corner.

Mayor / Maire

@Vicki2 wrote:

I somehow changed my phone number how do I change it back to the original?

Where was the number you changed from originally?  If it's a Telus or Koodo/PM original number then you can ask the moderators to change it back for you.  However, if it's from another carrier originally, then that will be difficult or not doable.

Not applicable

@Vicki2 wrote:

I somehow changed my phone number how do I change it back to the original?

Had you selected a number from Public Mobile or did you transfer it over from Telus/Koodo? Or did you transfer it from elsewhere?

If Telus/Koodo/here then you might be able to get it back.

If from elsewhere, that could be a problem.

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